Source code for pyratbay.spectrum.radiative_transfer

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GNU GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import sys

import numpy  as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d as gaussf

from .. import constants as pc
from . import convection as ps

[docs]def radiative_equilibrium( pressure, temperature, nsamples, chem_model, two_stream_rt, wavenumber, spec, atm, radeq_temps=None, convection=False, tmin=0.0, tmax=6000.0, f_scale=None, mplanet=None, mol_mass=None, ): """ Compute radiative-thermochemical equilibrium atmosphere. Currently there is no convergence criteria implemented, some 100--300 iterations are typically sufficient to converge to a stable temperature-profile solution. Parameters ---------- nsamples: Integer Number of radiative-equilibrium iterations to run. continue_run: Bool If True, continue from a previous radiative-equil. run. no_convection: Bool If True, skip convective flux calculation in the radiative equilibrium calculation. Returns ------- There are no returned values, but this method updates the temperature profile (self.atm.temp) and abundances (self.atm.q) with the values from the last radiative-equilibrium iteration. This method also defines pyrat.atm.radeq_temps, a 2D array containing all temperature-profile iterations. """ nlayers = len(pressure) # Pre-existing iteration samples: if radeq_temps is None: radeq_temps = np.copy(np.atleast_2d(temperature)) k = len(radeq_temps) - 1 # Total number of samples: temp = radeq_temps = np.vstack(( radeq_temps, np.zeros((nsamples, nlayers)), )) nsamples = len(temp) maxf = 1.0e08 # Maximum temperature scale factor # Initial delta-temperature scale factor if f_scale is None: f_scale = np.tile(1.0e5, nlayers) f_scale_tmp = np.copy(f_scale) dpress = np.ediff1d(np.log(pressure), to_begin=1.0) df_sign = np.zeros((nsamples, nlayers)) for k in range(k, nsamples): sys.stdout.write(f"\rIteration {k+1:3d}/{nsamples}.") sys.stdout.flush() # Update atmosphere: temperature = temp[k] vmr = chem_model.thermochemical_equilibrium(temperature) two_stream_rt(temp=temperature, abund=vmr) flux_up = spec.flux_up flux_down = spec.flux_down # Bolometric net fluxes through each layer: Qup = np.trapz(flux_up, wavenumber, axis=1) Qdown = np.trapz(flux_down, wavenumber, axis=1) Q_net = Qup - Qdown dF = np.ediff1d(Q_net, to_begin=0) # Update scaling factor: f_scale_tmp = np.copy(f_scale) df_sign[k] = np.sign(dF) lo = np.amax([k-4, 0]) wobble = np.any(df_sign[lo:k] - df_sign[k], axis=0) f_scale_tmp[wobble] *= 0.5 f_scale_tmp[~wobble] *= 1.15 f_scale_tmp = gaussf(np.clip(f_scale_tmp, 1.0, maxf), 1.5) # Adaptive temperature update: dT = ( f_scale_tmp * np.sign(dF) * np.abs(dF)**0.1 / (pc.sigma * temperature**3 * dpress) ) temp[k+1] = temperature + dT temp[k+1,0] = temp[k+1,1] # Isothermal top # Smooth out kinks and wiggles: avg_dT = np.mean(np.abs(dT)) sigma = np.clip(avg_dT/10.0, 0.75, 2.0) temp[k+1,:-1] = gaussf(temp[k+1], sigma)[:-1] temp[k+1] = np.clip(temp[k+1], tmin, tmax) if not convection: f_scale = np.copy(f_scale_tmp) continue # Radiative flux balance with convection: radius = atm.radius number_density = atm.d mean_molecular_mass = heat_capacity = chem_model.heat_capacity(temp[k+1]) cp = np.sum(heat_capacity * vmr, axis=1) * pc.k/pc.amu gplanet = pc.G * mplanet / radius**2 rho = np.sum(number_density * mol_mass, axis=1) * pc.amu conv_flux = ps.convective_flux( pressure, temp[k+1], cp, gplanet, mean_molecular_mass, rho, ) if np.all(conv_flux == 0.0): f_scale = np.copy(f_scale_tmp) continue # Update scaling factor: dF = np.ediff1d(Q_net + conv_flux, to_begin=0) df_sign[k] = np.sign(dF) wobble = np.any(df_sign[lo:k] - df_sign[k], axis=0) f_scale[wobble] *= 0.5 f_scale[~wobble] *= 1.15 f_scale = gaussf(np.clip(f_scale, 1.0, maxf), 1.5) # Adaptive temperature update: dT = ( f_scale * np.sign(dF) * np.abs(dF)**0.1 / (pc.sigma * temperature**3 * dpress) ) temp[k+1] = temperature + dT temp[k+1,0] = temp[k+1,1] # Smooth out kinks and wiggles: dtm = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(temp[:k+1], n=1, axis=0)), axis=1) if np.size(dtm) > 0: sigma = np.clip(0.5*np.mean(dtm[-5:]), 0.5, 1.0) else: sigma = 1.0 temp[k+1,:-1] = gaussf(temp[k+1], sigma)[:-1] temp[k+1] = np.clip(temp[k+1], tmin, tmax) return radeq_temps, f_scale