Source code for pyratbay.spectrum.kurucz

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np

from .. import constants as pc

[docs]def read_kurucz(filename, temp=None, logg=None): """ Extract stellar flux models from a Kurucz file. Kurucz model files can be found at Parameters ---------- filename: String Name of a Kurucz model file. temp: Float Requested surface temperature for the Kurucz model. If temp and logg are not None, return the model with the closest surface temperature and gravity. logg: Float Requested log10 of the surface gravity for the Kurucz model (where g is in cgs units). Returns ------- flux: 1D or 2D float ndarray If temp and logg are not None, a 1D array with the kurucz surface flux per unit wavenumber (erg s-1 cm-2 cm) of the closest model to the input temperature and gravity. Else, a 2D array with all kurucz models in file, of shape [nmodels, nwave]. wavenumber: 1D ndarray Wavenumber sampling of the flux models (in cm-1 units). ktemp: Scalar or 1D float ndarray Surface temperature of the output models (in Kelvin degrees). klogg: Scalar or 1D float ndarray log10 of the stellar surface gravity of the output models (in cm s-2). continuum: 2D ndarray The models' fluxes with no line absorption. Same units and shape of flux. Returned only if temp and logg are None. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.spectrum as ps >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> import numpy as np >>> # Download a Kurucz stellar model file from: >>> # >>> # Read a single model from the kurucz file: >>> kfile = 'fp00k0odfnew.pck' >>> tsun = 5770.0 # Sun's surface temperature >>> gsun = 4.44 # Sun's surface gravity (log) >>> flux, wn, ktemp, klogg = ps.read_kurucz(kfile, tsun, gsun) >>> # Compute brightness at 1 AU from a 1 Rsun radius star: >>> s = np.trapz(flux, wn) * (pc.rsun/**2 >>> print("Solar constant [T={:.0f} K, logg={:.1f}]: S = {:.1f} W m-2". >>> format(ktemp, klogg, s * 1e-3)) Solar constant [T=5750 K, logg=4.5]: S = 1340.0 W m-2 >>> # Pretty close to the solar constant: ~1361 W m-2 >>> # Read the whole set of models in file: >>> # (in this case, ktemp and klogg are 1D arrays) >>> fluxes, wn, ktemp, klogg, continua = ps.read_kurucz(kfile) """ # Read file into memory: with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() iheaders = [i for i,line in enumerate(lines) if line.startswith('TEFF')] headers = [lines[i].strip() for i in iheaders] ktemp = np.array([line[ 5:12] for line in headers], np.double) klogg = np.array([line[22:29] for line in headers], np.double) # Get wavelength array (in nm): i = 0 while lines[i].strip() != 'END': i += 1 wl_start = i + 1 wl_end = iheaders[0] wavelength = np.array(''.join(lines[wl_start:wl_end]).split(), np.double) wavenumber = 1.0/(wavelength*pc.nm) # Sort by increasing wavenumber: wavenumber = np.flip(wavenumber, axis=0) nmodels = len(headers) nwave = len(wavenumber) nlines = (iheaders[1] - iheaders[0] - 1) // 2 vsize = 10 if temp is not None and logg is not None: tmodel = ktemp[np.argmin(np.abs(ktemp-temp))] gmodel = klogg[np.argmin(np.abs(klogg-logg))] imodels = np.where((ktemp == tmodel) & (klogg == gmodel))[0] else: imodels = range(nmodels) # Read intensity per unit frequency (erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1 ster-1): intensity = np.zeros((nmodels, nwave), np.double) continuum = np.zeros((nmodels, nwave), np.double) for k,i in enumerate(imodels): istart = iheaders[i] + 1 data = ''.join(lines[istart:istart+nlines]).replace('\n','') intensity[k] = [data[j*vsize:(j+1)*vsize] for j in range(nwave)] data = ''.join(lines[istart+nlines:istart+2*nlines]).replace('\n','') continuum[k] = [data[j*vsize:(j+1)*vsize] for j in range(nwave)] # Convert intensity per unit frequency to surface flux per unit # wavenumber (erg s-1 cm-2 cm): flux = np.flip(intensity, axis=1) * 4.0*np.pi * pc.c continuum = np.flip(continuum, axis=1) * 4.0*np.pi * pc.c if temp is not None and logg is not None: return flux[0], wavenumber, tmodel, gmodel return flux, wavenumber, ktemp, klogg, continuum