Source code for pyratbay.spectrum.convection

# Copyright (c) 2021 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GNU GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np

from .. import constants as pc

[docs]def convective_flux( pressure, temperature, cp, gravity, mu, rho, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0): """ Estimate the convective flux for an atmosphere following mixing- length theory as described in 'Modern Astrophysics (Carrol & Ostlie). Parameters ---------- pressure: 1D float array Atmospheric pressure profile (barye). temperature: 1D float array Atmospheric temperature profile (kelvin degree). cp: 1D float array Atmospheric specific heat capacity at constant pressure (erg K-1 mol-1). gravity: 1D float array Atmospheric gravity profile (cm s-2). mu: 1D float array Atmospheric mean molecular mass profile (g mol-1). rho: 1D float array Atmospheric mass-density profile (g cm-3). alpha: Float Mixing-length scaling parameter: alpha = l/H, with l the mixing length and H the pressure scale height. beta: Float Free parameter from the average kinetic energy velocity estimation. Should take a value between 0 and 1. Returns ------- F_conv: 1D float array Estimated convective flux (erg s-1 cm-2). This is not zero only where the actual temperature gradient is larger than the adiabatic gradient. """ dpress = np.ediff1d(np.log(pressure), to_begin=1.0) # Actual (radiative) gradient: grad_t = np.ediff1d(np.log(temperature), to_begin=0.0) / dpress # Adiabatic gradient: cv = cp - pc.k/pc.amu gamma = cp / cv grad_ad = 1.0 - 1.0/gamma delta_grad = np.clip(grad_t - grad_ad, 0, np.inf) H = pc.k * temperature / (mu*pc.amu * gravity) F_conv = ( alpha**2 * np.sqrt(beta) * cp/mu * rho * temperature * np.sqrt(gravity*H) * delta_grad**1.5 ) return F_conv