Source code for pyratbay.spectrum.contribution_funcs

# Copyright (c) 2021 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GNU GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np

[docs]def contribution_function(optdepth, pressure, B): """ Evaluate the contribution function equation as in Knutson et al. (2009) ApJ, 690, 822; Equation (2). Parameters ---------- optdepth: 2D float ndarray Optical depth at each layer and wavenumber [nlayers, nwave]. pressure: 1D float ndarray Atmospheric pressure array [nlayers]. B: 2D float ndarray Plank emission at each layer and wavenumber [nlayers, nwave]. Returns ------- cf: 2D float ndarray The contribution function at each layer and wavenumber of shape [nlayers, nwave]. """ # Differential along layers: detau = np.diff(np.exp(-optdepth), axis=0) # Fix discontinuity: detau[np.where(detau > 0.1)] = 0.0 # Log-pressure differential: dlogp = np.ediff1d(np.log(pressure)) # Contribution functions at each layer and wavelength: cf = B[:-1] * detau / np.expand_dims(dlogp, axis=1) # Append row to preserve number of layers: cf = np.vstack([cf, np.zeros(np.shape(B)[1])]) # Normalize to sum(cf) = 1 at each wavelength: cf = cf / np.sum(cf, axis=0) return cf
[docs]def transmittance(optdepth, ideep): """ Compute the transmittance spectrum for the impact-parameter raypaths of a transmission model. Parameters ---------- optdepth: 2D float ndarray Optical depth at each layer and wavenumber [nlayers, nwave]. ideep: 1D integer ndarray Impact-parameter indices of deepest-calculated optical depth at each wavenumber. """ # Transmittance: transmit = np.exp(-optdepth) # Fill-in values beyond ideep (completely opaque): for i in range(len(ideep)): transmit[ideep[i]:,i] = 0.0 return transmit
[docs]def band_cf(cf, bandtrans, wn, bandidx): """ Compute band-averaged contribution functions or transmittances. Parameters ---------- cf: 2D float ndarray The contribution function or transmittance of shape [nlayers, nwave]. bandtrans: List of 1D ndarrays List of band transmission curves. wn: 1D float ndarray The wavenumber sampling (in cm-1). bandidx: List of 1D ndarrays List of wavenumber-index arrays for each band transmission curve. Returns ------- bandcf: 2D float ndarray The band-integrated contribution functions of shape [nlayers, nbands]. """ nfilters = len(bandtrans) nlayers = np.shape(cf)[0] # Allocate arrays for filter cf: bandcf = np.zeros((nlayers, nfilters)) # Number of filters for i in range(nfilters): # Weighted CF (by filter response function): wcf = cf[:,bandidx[i]] * bandtrans[i] # Integrated CF across bandpass at each layer: bandcf[:,i] = np.trapz(wcf, wn[bandidx[i]], axis=1) return bandcf