Source code for pyratbay.spectrum.blackbody

# Copyright (c) 2021 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GNU GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

from numbers import Integral
from import Iterable

import numpy as np

from ..lib._blackbody import blackbody_wn, blackbody_wn_2D

[docs]def bbflux(wn, teff): r""" Compute the emission flux of a blackbody at temperature Teff in wavenumber space. Parameters ---------- wn: 1D float iterable Wavenumber array where to evaluate the flux (cm-1). teff: Float The effective temperature (Kelvin). Return ------ flux: 1D float ndarray blackbody flux (erg s-1 cm-2 cm) at wn. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.spectrum as ps >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> import numpy as np >>> tsun = 5772.0 >>> wn = np.logspace(-1, 5, 30000) >>> flux = ps.bbflux(wn, tsun) >>> # Solar constant: >>> s = np.trapz(flux, wn) * (pc.rsun/**2 >>> print("Solar constant (Teff={:.0f}K): S = {:.1f} W m-2\n" >>> "Wien's displacement law: wn(flux_max) = {:.1f} cm-1\n" >>> " 5.879E10 Hz/K * Teff / c = {:.1f} cm-1". >>> format(tsun, s*1e-3, wn[np.argmax(flux)], 5.879e10*tsun/pc.c)) Solar constant (Teff=5772K): S = 1361.2 W m-2 Wien's displacement law: wn(flux_max) = 11318.0 cm-1 5.879E10 Hz/K * Teff / c = 11319.0 cm-1 """ if not isinstance(wn, Iterable): raise ValueError('Input wn must be an iterable.') if isinstance(wn, (list, tuple)): wn = np.array(wn, np.double) if isinstance(wn[0], Integral): return np.pi * blackbody_wn(np.array(wn, np.double), float(teff)) return np.pi * blackbody_wn(wn, float(teff))