Source code for pyratbay.pyrat.pyrat_obj

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

import os
import multiprocessing as mp
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

from .. import atmosphere as pa
from .. import constants as pc
from .. import io as io
from .. import plots as pp
from .. import spectrum as ps
from .. import tools as pt

from .  import extinction as ex
from .  import crosssec as cs
from .  import rayleigh as ray
from .  import clouds as cl
from .  import alkali as al
from .  import read_atm as ra
from .  import optical_depth as od
from .  import spectrum as sp
from .  import objects as ob
from .  import argum as ar
from .  import makesample as ms
from .  import voigt as v
from .  import read_tli as rtli

[docs]class Pyrat(object): """ Main Pyrat object. """ def __init__(self, cfile, no_logfile=False, mute=False): """ Parse the command-line arguments into the pyrat object. Parameters ---------- cfile: String A Pyrat Bay configuration file. no_logfile: Bool If True, enforce not to write outputs to a log file (e.g., to prevent overwritting log of a previous run). mute: Bool If True, enforce verb to take a value of -1. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay as pb >>> # Initialize and execute task: >>> pyrat ='spectrum_transmission.cfg') >>> # Initialize only: >>> pyrat = pb.Pyrat('spectrum_transmission.cfg') >>> # Then, setup internal varible for spectra evaluation: >>> pyrat.setup_spectrum() """ # Sub-classes: self.spec = ob.Spectrum() # Spectrum data self.atm = ob.Atm() # Modeling atmospheric model = ob.Linetransition() # Line-transition data self.mol = ob.Molecules() # Molecules data self.iso = ob.Isotopes() # Isotopes data self.voigt = ob.Voigt() # Voigt profile self.ex = ob.Extinction() # Extinction-coefficient self.cs = ob.Cross() # Cross-section extinction self.od = ob.Optdepth() # Optical depth = ob.Cloud() # Cloud models self.rayleigh = ob.Rayleigh() # Rayleigh models self.alkali = ob.Alkali() # Alkali opacity models self.obs = ob.Observation() # Observational data self.phy = ob.Physics() # System physical parameters self.ret = ob.Retrieval() # Retrieval variables self.timestamps = OrderedDict() # Parse config file inputs: pt.parse(self, cfile, no_logfile, mute) self.inputs.atm = ob.Atm() def setup_spectrum(self): # Setup time tracker: timer = pt.Timer() # Check that user input arguments make sense: ar.check_spectrum(self) self.timestamps['init'] = timer.clock() # Initialize wavenumber sampling: ms.make_wavenumber(self) self.timestamps['wn sample'] = timer.clock() # Read the atmospheric file: ra.read_atm(self) self.timestamps['read atm'] = timer.clock() # Read line database: rtli.read_tli(self) self.timestamps['read tli'] = timer.clock() # Make atmospheric profiles (pressure, radius, temperature, abundances): ms.make_atmprofiles(self) self.timestamps['atm sample'] = timer.clock() # Setup more observational/retrieval parameters: ar.setup(self) # Extinction Voigt grid: v.voigt(self) # Alkali Voigt grid: al.init(self) self.timestamps['voigt'] = timer.clock() # Calculate extinction-coefficient table: ex.exttable(self) self.timestamps['ext table'] = timer.clock() # Read CIA files: self.timestamps['read cs'] = timer.clock()
[docs] def run(self, temp=None, abund=None, radius=None): """ Evaluate a Pyrat spectroscopic model Parameters ---------- temp: 1D float ndarray Updated atmospheric temperature profile in Kelvin, of size nlayers. abund: 2D float ndarray Updated atmospheric abundances profile by number density, of shape [nlayers, nmol]. radius: 1D float ndarray Updated atmospheric altitude profile in cm, of size nlayers. """ timer = pt.Timer() # Re-calculate atmospheric properties if required: status = ra.update_atm(self, temp, abund, radius) if status == 0: return # Interpolate CIA absorption: cs.interpolate(self) self.timestamps['interp cs'] = timer.clock() # Calculate cloud and Rayleigh absorption: cl.absorption(self) ray.absorption(self) self.timestamps['cloud+ray'] = timer.clock() # Calculate the alkali absorption: al.absorption(self) self.timestamps['alkali'] = timer.clock() # Calculate the optical depth: od.optical_depth(self) self.timestamps['odepth'] = timer.clock() # Calculate the spectrum: sp.spectrum(self) self.timestamps['spectrum'] = timer.clock() self.log.msg( "\nTimestamps (s):\n" + "\n".join( f"{key:10s}: {val:10.6f}" for key,val in self.timestamps.items() ) ) if len(self.log.warnings) > 0 and self.log.logname is not None: # Write all warnings to file: wpath, wfile = os.path.split(self.log.logname) wfile = f'{wpath}/warnings_{wfile}' with open(wfile, 'w') as f: f.write(f'Warnings log:\n\n{self.log.sep}\n') f.write(f'\n\n{self.log.sep}\n'.join(self.log.warnings)) # Report it: self.log.head( f"\n{self.log.sep}" f"\n There were {len(self.log.warnings)} warnings raised. " f"See '{wfile}'." f"\n{self.log.sep}" )
[docs] def eval(self, params, retmodel=True, verbose=False): """ Fitting routine for MCMC. Parameters ---------- params: 1D float iterable Array of fitting parameters that define the atmosphere. retmodel: Bool Flag to include the model spectra in the return. verbose: Bool Flag to print out if a run failed. Returns ------- spectrum: 1D float ndarray The output model spectra. Returned only if retmodel=True. bandflux: 1D float ndarray The waveband-integrated spectrum values. """ atm = self.atm params = np.asarray(params) q0 = np.copy(atm.qbase) if len(params) != self.ret.nparams: self.log.warning( f'The number of input fitting parameters ({len(params)}) ' 'does not match\nthe number of required parameters ' f'({self.ret.nparams}).' ) return None, None if retmodel else None rejectflag = False # Update temperature profile if requested: if self.ret.itemp is not None: atm.tpars = params[self.ret.itemp] temp = atm.tmodel(params[self.ret.itemp]) else: temp = atm.temp # Turn-on reject flag if temperature is out-of-bounds: if np.any(temp < self.ret.tlow) or np.any(temp > self.ret.thigh): temp[:] = 0.5*(self.ret.tlow + self.ret.thigh) rejectflag = True if verbose: self.log.warning( "Input temperature profile runs out of " f"boundaries ({self.ret.tlow:.1f}--{self.ret.thigh:.1f} K)" ) # Update abundance profiles if requested: if self.ret.imol is None: q2 = atm.q elif 'equil' in atm.molmodel: # TBD: These need to be tested properly molpars = params[self.ret.imol] metal = None e_abundances = {} e_ratio = {} e_scale = {} for model,var,val in zip(atm.molmodel, atm.molfree, molpars): if model == 'equil': if var == 'metal': metallicity = val elif '_' in var: e_ratio[var] = val elif var.startswith('[') and var.endswith(']'): var = var.lstrip('[').rstrip(']') e_scale[var] = val else: e_abundances[var] = val q2 = atm.chem_model.thermochemical_equilibrium( temp, metallicity=metallicity, e_abundances=e_abundances, e_ratio=e_ratio, e_scale=e_scale, ) else: q2 = pa.qscale( q0,, atm.molmodel, atm.molfree, params[self.ret.imol], atm.bulk, iscale=atm.ifree, ibulk=atm.ibulk, bratio=atm.bulkratio, invsrat=atm.invsrat, ) # Check abundaces stay within bounds: if pa.qcapcheck(q2, self.ret.qcap, atm.ibulk): rejectflag = True if verbose: self.log.warning( "The sum of trace abundances' fraction exceeds " f"the cap of {self.ret.qcap:.3f}." ) # Update reference radius if requested: if self.ret.irad is not None: self.phy.rplanet = params[self.ret.irad][0] * pt.u(atm.runits) elif self.ret.ipress is not None: p_ref = 10.0**params[self.ret.ipress][0] * self.atm.refpressure = p_ref # Update planetary mass if requested: if self.ret.imass is not None: self.phy.mplanet = params[self.ret.imass][0] * pt.u(self.phy.mpunits) # Keep M-g-R0 consistency: if atm.rmodelname == 'hydro_g': # and self.ret.igrav is None: self.phy.gplanet = pc.G * self.phy.mplanet / self.phy.rplanet**2 #if atm.rmodelname == 'hydro_m' and self.ret.igrav is not None: # self.phy.mplanet = self.phy.gplanet * self.phy.rplanet**2 / pc.G # Update Rayleigh parameters if requested: if self.ret.iray is not None: j = 0 rpars = params[self.ret.iray] for rmodel in self.rayleigh.models: = rpars[j:j+rmodel.npars] j += rmodel.npars # Update cloud parameters if requested: if self.ret.icloud is not None: j = 0 pars = params[self.ret.icloud] for model in = pars[j:j+model.npars] j += model.npars # Update patchy-cloud fraction if requested: if self.ret.ipatchy is not None: = params[self.ret.ipatchy][0] # Calculate spectrum:, abund=q2) # Band-integrate spectrum: self.obs.bandflux = self.band_integrate() # Reject this iteration if there are invalid temperatures or radii: if self.obs.bandflux is not None and rejectflag: self.obs.bandflux[:] = np.inf self.ret.params = np.copy(params) if retmodel: return self.spec.spectrum, self.obs.bandflux return self.obs.bandflux
[docs] def radiative_equilibrium( self, nsamples=None, continue_run=False, convection=False, ): """ Compute radiative-thermochemical equilibrium atmosphere. Currently there is no convergence criteria implemented, some 100--300 iterations are typically sufficient to converge to a stable temperature-profile solution. Parameters ---------- nsamples: Integer Number of radiative-equilibrium iterations to run. continue_run: Bool If True, continue from a previous radiative-equilibrimu run. convection: Bool If True, skip convective flux calculation in the radiative equilibrium calculation. Returns ------- There are no returned values, but this method updates the temperature profile (self.atm.temp) and abundances (self.atm.q) with the values from the last radiative-equilibrium iteration. This method also defines pyrat.atm.radeq_temps, a 2D array containing all temperature-profile iterations. """ atm = self.atm if nsamples is None: nsamples = self.inputs.nsamples self.log.verb = 0 # Mute it # Enforce two-stream RT: rt_path = self.od.rt_path self.od.rt_path = 'emission_two_stream' tmin = np.amax((self.cs.tmin, self.ex.tmin)) tmax = np.amin((self.cs.tmax, self.ex.tmax)) # Initial temperature scale factor f_scale = atm._fscale if hasattr(atm,'_fscale') else None if hasattr(atm, 'radeq_temps') and continue_run: radeq_temps = atm.radeq_temps f_scale = None else: radeq_temps = None print("\nRadiative-thermochemical equilibrium calculation:") radeq_temps, f_scale = ps.radiative_equilibrium(, atm.temp, nsamples, atm.chem_model,, self.spec.wn, self.spec, self.atm, radeq_temps, convection, tmin, tmax, f_scale, self.phy.mplanet, self.mol.mass, ) print("\nDone.") # Update last tempertature iteration and save to file: atm.temp = radeq_temps[-1] io.write_atm( self.spec.specfile.replace('.dat','.atm'),, atm.temp,, atm.q, punits="bar", header="# Radiative-thermochemical equilibrium profile.\n\n", ) self.atm._fscale = f_scale self.od.rt_path = rt_path self.log.verb = self.verb
[docs] def band_integrate(self, spectrum=None): """ Band-integrate transmission spectrum (transit) or planet-to-star flux ratio (eclipse) over transmission band passes. """ if self.obs.bandtrans is None: return None if spectrum is None: spectrum = self.spec.spectrum specwn = self.spec.wn bandidx = self.obs.bandidx rprs_square = (self.phy.rplanet/self.phy.rstar)**2.0 if self.od.rt_path in pc.transmission_rt: bandtrans = self.obs.bandtrans elif self.od.rt_path in pc.emission_rt: bandtrans = [ btrans/sflux * rprs_square for btrans, sflux in zip(self.obs.bandtrans, self.obs.starflux) ] self.obs.bandflux = np.array([ np.trapz(spectrum[idx]*btrans, specwn[idx]) for btrans, idx in zip(bandtrans, bandidx) ]) return self.obs.bandflux
[docs] def hydro(self, pressure, temperature, mu, g, mass, p0, r0): """ Hydrostatic-equilibrium driver. Depending on self.atm.rmodelname, select between the g=GM/r**2 (hydro_m) or constant-g (hydro_g) formula to compute the hydrostatic-equilibrium radii of the planet layers. Parameters ---------- pressure: 1D float ndarray Atmospheric pressure for each layer (in barye). temperature: 1D float ndarray Atmospheric temperature for each layer (in K). mu: 1D float ndarray Mean molecular mass for each layer (in g mol-1). g: Float Atmospheric gravity (in cm s-2). mass: Float Planetary mass (in g). p0: Float Reference pressure level (in barye) where radius(p0) = r0. r0: Float Reference radius level (in cm) corresponding to p0. """ if self.atm.rmodelname is None: print('No hydrostatic-equilibrium model defined.') return None # H.E. with g=GM/r**2: elif self.atm.rmodelname == 'hydro_m': return pa.hydro_m(pressure, temperature, mu, mass, p0, r0) # H.E. with constant g: elif self.atm.rmodelname == 'hydro_g': return pa.hydro_g(pressure, temperature, mu, g, p0, r0)
[docs] def set_filters(self): """ Set observational variables (pyrat.obs) based on given parameters. """ if self.obs.filters is None: return bandidx = [] # Filter wavenumber indices starflux = [] # Interpolated stellar flux bandtrans = [] # Normalized interpolated filter transmission bandwn = [] # Band's mean wavenumber for passband in self.obs.filters: # Resample the filters into the planet wavenumber array: passband(wn=self.spec.wn) bandidx.append(passband.idx) bandtrans.append(passband.response) bandwn.append(passband.wn0) if self.phy.starflux is not None: starflux.append(self.spec.starflux[passband.idx]) # Per-band variables: self.obs.starflux = starflux self.obs.bandidx = bandidx self.obs.bandtrans = bandtrans self.obs.bandwn = np.asarray(bandwn) self.obs.bandflux = np.zeros(self.obs.nfilters, np.double)
[docs] def get_ec(self, layer): """ Extract extinction-coefficient contribution (in cm-1) from each component of the atmosphere at the requested layer. Parameters ---------- layer: Integer The index of the atmospheric layer where to extract the EC. Returns ------- ec: 2D float ndarray An array of shape [ncomponents, nwave] with the EC spectra (in cm-1) from each component of the atmosphere. label: List of strings The names of each atmospheric component that contributed to EC. """ # Allocate outputs: ec = np.empty((0, self.spec.nwave)) label = [] # Line-by-line extinction coefficient: if self.ex.nspec != 0: e, lab = ex.get_ec(self, layer) ec = np.vstack((ec, e)) label += lab # Cross-section extinction coefficient: if self.cs.nfiles != 0: e, lab = cs.interpolate(self, layer) ec = np.vstack((ec, e)) label += lab # Rayleigh scattering extinction coefficient: if self.rayleigh.models != []: e, lab = ray.get_ec(self, layer) ec = np.vstack((ec, e)) label += lab # Haze/clouds extinction coefficient: if != []: e, lab = cl.get_ec(self, layer) ec = np.vstack((ec, e)) label += lab # Alkali resonant lines extinction coefficient: if self.alkali.models != []: e, lab = al.get_ec(self, layer) ec = np.vstack((ec, e)) label += lab return ec, label
[docs] def percentile_spectrum(self, nmax=None): """Compute spectrum posterior percentiles.""" if self.ret.posterior is None: print('pyrat objec does not have a posterior distribution.') return nsamples = np.shape(self.ret.posterior)[0] draws = np.arange(nsamples) if nmax is not None: nmax = np.clip(nmax, 0, nsamples) draws = np.random.choice(draws, nmax, replace=False) # Unique MCMC samples: u, uind, uinv = np.unique(self.ret.posterior[draws,0], return_index=True, return_inverse=True) print('Computing {:d} models.'.format(len(u))) # Array of all model parameters (with unique samples) posterior = np.repeat([self.ret.params], len(u), axis=0) ifree = np.where(self.ret.pstep >0)[0] posterior[:,ifree] = self.ret.posterior[uind] # Need to keep FILE objects out of pool: logfile, self.log.file = self.log.file, None verb, self.log.verb = self.log.verb, -1 with mp.get_context('fork').Pool(self.ncpu) as pool: models =, posterior) models = np.array([model for model, bandm in models]) self.log.file = logfile self.log.verb = verb nwave = len(self.spec.wn) low1 = np.zeros(nwave) low2 = np.zeros(nwave) median = np.zeros(nwave) high1 = np.zeros(nwave) high2 = np.zeros(nwave) for i in range(nwave): msample = models[uinv,i] low2[i] = np.percentile(msample, 2.275) low1[i] = np.percentile(msample, 15.865) median[i] = np.percentile(msample, 50.000) high1[i] = np.percentile(msample, 84.135) high2[i] = np.percentile(msample, 97.725) self.ret.spec_median = median self.ret.spec_low1 = low1 self.ret.spec_low2 = low2 self.ret.spec_high1 = high1 self.ret.spec_high2 = high2
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, spec='model', **kwargs): """ Plot spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec: String Flag indicating which model to plot. By default plot the latest evaulated model (spec='model'). Other options are 'best' or 'median' to plot the posterior best-fit or median model, in which case, the code will plot the 1- and 2-sigma boundaries if they have been computed (see self.percentile_spectrum). kwargs: dict Dictionary of arguments to pass into plots.spectrum(). See help(pyratbay.plots.spectrum). Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. """ pyrat_args = { 'data', 'uncert': self.obs.uncert, 'bandtrans': self.obs.bandtrans, 'bandidx': self.obs.bandidx, 'starflux': self.spec.starflux, 'logxticks': self.inputs.logxticks, 'yran': self.inputs.yran, } wavelength = 1.0/(self.spec.wn* if self.obs.bandwn is not None: pyrat_args['bandwl'] = 1.0/(self.obs.bandwn* if self.obs.bandtrans is not None: pyrat_args['bandflux'] = self.band_integrate() bounds = None if self.ret.spec_low2 is not None and spec != 'model': pyrat_args['bounds'] = [ self.ret.spec_low2, self.ret.spec_low1, self.ret.spec_high1, self.ret.spec_high2] if spec == 'model': pyrat_args['label'] = 'model' spectrum = self.spec.spectrum elif spec == 'best': pyrat_args['label'] = 'best-fit model' pyrat_args['bandflux'] = self.ret.bestbandflux spectrum = self.ret.spec_best elif spec == 'median': pyrat_args['label'] = 'median model' pyrat_args['bandflux'] = self.band_integrate(spectrum) spectrum = self.ret.spec_median else: print( "Invalid 'spec'. Select from 'model' (default), 'best', " "or 'median'." ) return if self.phy.rplanet is not None and self.phy.rstar is not None: pyrat_args['rprs'] = self.phy.rplanet/self.phy.rstar # kwargs can overwite any of the previous value: pyrat_args.update(kwargs) if self.od.rt_path in pc.transmission_rt: rt_path = 'transit' elif self.od.rt_path in pc.emission_rt: rt_path = 'eclipse' ax = pp.spectrum(spectrum, wavelength, rt_path, **pyrat_args) return ax
[docs] def plot_temperature(self, **kwargs): """ Plot temperature profile. If self.ret.posterior exitst, plot the best fit, median, and the '1sigma/2sigma' boundaries of the temperature posterior distribution. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict Dictionary of arguments to pass into plots.temperature(). See help(pyratbay.plots.temperature). Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. """ if self.ret.posterior is None: ax = pp.temperature(, profiles=[self.atm.temp], **kwargs) return ax ax = pp.temperature(, profiles=[self.ret.temp_median, self.ret.temp_best], labels=['median', 'best'], bounds=self.ret.temp_post_boundaries, **kwargs) return ax
def __str__(self): if self.spec.resolution is not None: wave = "R={:.1f}".format(self.spec.resolution) elif self.spec.wlstep is not None: wave = f'delta-wl={self.spec.wlstep:.2f}' else: wave = "dwn={:.3f} cm-1".format(self.spec.wnstep) opacities = [] if self.ex.nspec != 0: for mol in self.ex.species: imol = np.where( == mol)[0][0] opacities.append([imol]) if self.cs.nfiles != 0: for molecs in self.cs.molecules: if len(molecs) == 2: opacities.append('CIA ' + '-'.join(molecs)) else: opacities.append(molecs[0]) for rmodel in self.rayleigh.models: opacities.append( for cloud in opacities.append( for alkali in self.alkali.models: opacities.append(alkali.mol) return ( "Pyrat atmospheric model\n" "configuration file: '{:s}'\n" "Pressure profile (bar): {:.2e} -- {:.2e} ({:d} layers)\n" "Wavelength range (um): {:.2f} -- {:.2f} ({:d} samples, {:s})\n" "Composition: {}\n" "Opacity sources: {}".format( self.inputs.configfile,[ 0]/,[-1]/, self.atm.nlayers, 1.0/(self.spec.wn[-1]*, 1.0/(self.spec.wn[ 0]*, self.spec.nwave, wave,, opacities) )