Source code for pyratbay.plots.plots

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

from itertools import cycle

from cycler import cycler, Cycler
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import is_color_like, to_rgb
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as si
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d as gaussf

from .. import constants as pc
from .. import tools as pt

default_colors = {
    'H2O': "navy",
    'CO2': "red",
    'CO': "limegreen",
    'CH4': "orange",
    'H2': "deepskyblue",
    'He': "seagreen",
    'HCN': "0.7",
    'NH3': "magenta",
    'C2H2': "brown",
    'C2H4': "pink",
    'N2': "gold",
    'H': "olive",
    'TiO': "black",
    'VO': "peru",
    'Na': "darkviolet",
    'K': "cornflowerblue",

[docs]def alphatize(colors, alpha, bg='w'): """ Get rgb representation of a color as if it had the specified alpha. Parameters ---------- colors: color or iterable of colors The color to alphatize. alpha: Float Alpha value to apply. bg: color Background color. Returns ------- rgb: RGB or list of RGB color arrays The RGB representation of the alphatized color (or list of colors). Examples -------- >>> import pyrabay.plots as pp >>> pp.alphatize('r', 0.5) array([1. , 0.5, 0.5]) >>> pp.alphatize(['r', 'b'], 0.8) [array([1. , 0.2, 0.2]), array([0.2, 0.2, 1. ])] """ flatten = False if is_color_like(colors): colors = [colors] flatten = True colors = [np.array(to_rgb(color)) for color in colors] bg = np.array(to_rgb(bg)) # rgb = [(1.0-alpha) * bg + alpha*c for c in colors] if flatten: return rgb[0] return rgb
[docs]def spectrum( spectrum, wavelength, rt_path, data=None, uncert=None, bandwl=None, bandflux=None, bandtrans=None, bandidx=None, starflux=None, rprs=None, label='model', bounds=None, logxticks=None, gaussbin=2.0, yran=None, filename=None, fignum=501, axis=None): """ Plot a transmission or emission model spectrum with (optional) data points with error bars and band-integrated model. Parameters ---------- spectrum: 1D float ndarray Planetary spectrum evaluated at wavelength. wavelength: 1D float ndarray The wavelength of the model in microns. rt_path: String Radiative-transfer observing geometry (transit, eclipse, or emission). data: 1D float ndarray Observing data points at each bandwl. uncert: 1D float ndarray Uncertainties of the data points. bandwl: 1D float ndarray The mean wavelength for each band/data point. bandflux: 1D float ndarray Band-integrated model spectrum at each bandwl. bandtrans: List of 1D float ndarrays Transmission curve for each band. bandidx: List of 1D float ndarrays. The indices in wavelength for each bandtrans. starflux: 1D float ndarray Stellar spectrum evaluated at wavelength. rprs: Float Planet-to-star radius ratio. label: String Label for spectrum curve. bounds: Tuple Tuple with -2, -1, +1, and, +2 sigma boundaries of spectrum. If not None, plot shaded area between +/-1sigma and +/-2sigma boundaries. logxticks: 1D float ndarray If not None, switch the X-axis scale from linear to log, and set the X-axis ticks at the locations given by logxticks. gaussbin: Integer Standard deviation for Gaussian-kernel smoothing (in number of samples). yran: 1D float ndarray Figure's Y-axis boundaries. filename: String If not None, save figure to filename. fignum: Integer Figure number. axis: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. """ # Plotting setup: fs = 14.0 ms = 6.0 lw = 1.25 if axis is None: plt.figure(fignum, (8, 5)) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) else: ax = axis spec_kw = {'label':label} if bounds is None: spec_kw['color'] = 'orange' else: spec_kw['color'] = 'orangered' # Setup according to geometry: if rt_path == 'emission': fscale = 1.0 plt.ylabel(r'$F_{\rm p}$ (erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ cm)', fontsize=fs) if rt_path == 'eclipse': #if starflux is not None and rprs is not None: spectrum = spectrum/starflux * rprs**2.0 if bounds is not None: bounds = [bound/starflux * rprs**2.0 for bound in bounds] fscale = 1.0 / pc.ppt plt.ylabel(r'$F_{\rm p}/F_{\rm s}\ (ppt)$', fontsize=fs) elif rt_path == 'transit': fscale = 1.0 / pc.percent plt.ylabel(r'$(R_{\rm p}/R_{\rm s})^2$ (%)', fontsize=fs) gmodel = gaussf(spectrum, gaussbin) if bounds is not None: gbounds = [gaussf(bound, gaussbin) for bound in bounds] ax.fill_between( wavelength, fscale*gbounds[0], fscale*gbounds[3], facecolor='gold', edgecolor='none', ) ax.fill_between( wavelength, fscale*gbounds[1], fscale*gbounds[2], facecolor='orange', edgecolor='none', ) # Plot model: plt.plot(wavelength, gmodel*fscale, lw=lw, **spec_kw) # Plot band-integrated model: if bandflux is not None and bandwl is not None: plt.plot( bandwl, bandflux*fscale, 'o', ms=ms, color='tomato', mec='maroon', mew=lw, ) # Plot data: if data is not None and uncert is not None and bandwl is not None: plt.errorbar( bandwl, data*fscale, uncert*fscale, fmt='o', label='data', color='blue', ms=ms, elinewidth=lw, capthick=lw, zorder=3, ) if yran is not None: ax.set_ylim(np.array(yran)) yran = ax.get_ylim() # Transmission filters: if bandtrans is not None and bandidx is not None: bandh = 0.06*(yran[1] - yran[0]) for btrans, bidx in zip(bandtrans, bandidx): btrans = bandh * btrans/np.amax(btrans) plt.plot(wavelength[bidx], yran[0]+btrans, '0.4', zorder=-10) ax.set_ylim(yran) if logxticks is not None: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.NullFormatter()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) ax.set_xticks(logxticks) ax.tick_params( which='both', right=True, top=True, direction='in', labelsize=fs-2, ) plt.xlabel('Wavelength (um)', fontsize=fs) plt.legend(loc='best', numpoints=1, fontsize=fs-1) plt.xlim(np.amin(wavelength), np.amax(wavelength)) plt.tight_layout() if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) return ax
[docs]def contribution( contrib_func, wl, rt_path, pressure, radius, rtop=0, filename=None, filters=None, fignum=-21, ): """ Plot the band-integrated normalized contribution functions (emission) or transmittance (transmission). Parameters ---------- contrib_func: 2D float ndarray Band-integrated contribution functions [nfilters, nlayers]. wl: 1D float ndarray Mean wavelength of the bands in microns. rt_path: String Radiative-transfer observing geometry (emission or transit). pressure: 1D float ndarray Layer's pressure array (barye units). radius: 1D float ndarray Layer's impact parameter array (cm units). rtop: Integer Index of topmost valid layer. filename: String Filename of the output figure. filters: 1D string ndarray Name of the filter bands (optional). fignum: Integer Figure number. Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. Notes ----- - The dashed lines denote the 0.16 and 0.84 percentiles of the cumulative contribution function or the transmittance (i.e., the boundaries of the central 68% of the respective curves). - If there are more than 80 filters, this code will thin the displayed filter names. """ nfilters = len(wl) nlayers = len(pressure) wlsort = np.argsort(wl) wl = wl[wlsort] contrib_func = contrib_func[:,wlsort] if filters is not None: filters = [filters[i] for i in wlsort] press = pressure[rtop:]/ rad = radius[rtop:]/ press = pressure[rtop:]/ rad = radius[rtop:]/ zz = contrib_func/np.amax(contrib_func) is_emission = rt_path in pc.emission_rt is_transit = rt_path in pc.transmission_rt if is_emission: yran = np.amax(np.log10(press)), np.amin(np.log10(press)) xlabel = 'contribution function' ylabel = '' yright = 0.9 cbtop = 0.5 elif is_transit: yran = np.amin(rad), np.amax(rad) xlabel = 'transmittance' ylabel = 'Impact parameter (km)' yright = 0.84 cbtop = 0.8 else: rt_paths = pc.rt_paths print(f"Invalid radiative-transfer geometry. Select from: {rt_paths}.") return fs = 12 colors = np.asarray(np.linspace(0, 255, nfilters), int) # 68% percentile boundaries of the central cumulative function: lo = 0.5*(1-0.683) hi = 1.0 - lo # Filter fontsize and thinning: ffs = 8.0 + (nfilters<50) + (nfilters<65) thin = (nfilters>80) + (nfilters>125) + (nfilters<100) + nfilters//100 # Colormap and percentile limits: z = np.empty((nfilters, nlayers, 4), dtype=float) plo = np.zeros(nfilters+1) phi = np.zeros(nfilters+1) for i in range(nfilters): z[i] =[i]) z[i,:,-1] = zz[:,i]**(0.5+0.5*(is_transit)) if is_emission: cumul = np.cumsum(zz[:,i])/np.sum(zz[:,i]) plo[i], phi[i] = press[cumul>lo][0], press[cumul>hi][0] elif is_transit: plo[i], phi[i] = press[zz[:,i]<lo][0], press[zz[:,i]<hi][0] plo[-1] = plo[-2] phi[-1] = phi[-2] fig = plt.figure(fignum, (8.5, 5)) plt.clf() plt.subplots_adjust(0.105, 0.10, yright, 0.95) ax = plt.subplot(111) pax = ax.twinx() if is_emission: ax.imshow( z.swapaxes(0,1), aspect='auto', extent=[0, nfilters, yran[0], yran[1]], origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', ) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) pax.spines['left'].set_visible(True) pax.yaxis.set_label_position('left') pax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') elif is_transit: ax.imshow( z.swapaxes(0,1), aspect='auto', extent=[0,nfilters,yran[0],yran[1]], origin='upper', interpolation='nearest', ) # Setting the right radius tick labels requires some sorcery: fig.canvas.draw() ylab = [l.get_text() for l in ax.get_yticklabels()] rint = si.interp1d(rad, press, bounds_error=False) pticks = rint(ax.get_yticks()) bounds = np.isfinite(pticks) pint = si.interp1d( press, np.linspace(yran[1], yran[0], nlayers), bounds_error=False, ) ax.set_yticks(pint(pticks[bounds])) ax.set_yticklabels(np.array(ylab)[bounds]) pax.plot(plo, drawstyle='steps-post', color='0.25', lw=0.75, ls='--') pax.plot(phi, drawstyle='steps-post', color='0.25', lw=0.75, ls='--') pax.set_ylim(np.amax(press), np.amin(press)) pax.set_yscale('log') pax.set_ylabel(r'Pressure (bar)', fontsize=fs) ax.set_xlim(0, nfilters) ax.set_ylim(yran) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fs) ax.set_xlabel(f'Band-averaged {xlabel}', fontsize=fs) # Print filter names/wavelengths: for i in range(0, nfilters-thin//2, thin): fname = f' {wl[i]:5.2f} um ' # Strip root and file extension: if filters is not None: fname = str(filters[i]) + ' @' + fname ax.text( i+0.1, yran[1], fname, rotation=90, ha='left', va='top', fontsize=ffs, ) # Color bar: cbar = plt.axes([0.925, 0.10, 0.015, 0.85]) cz = np.zeros((100, 2, 4), dtype=float) cz[:,0,3] = np.linspace(0.0,cbtop,100)**(0.5+0.5*(is_transit)) cz[:,1,3] = np.linspace(0.0,cbtop,100)**(0.5+0.5*(is_transit)) cbar.imshow( cz, aspect='auto', extent=[0, 1, 0, 1], origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', ) if is_transit: cbar.axhline(0.1585, color='k', lw=1.0, dashes=(2.5,1)) cbar.axhline(0.8415, color='w', lw=1.0, dashes=(2.5,1)) cbar.spines['right'].set_visible(True) cbar.yaxis.set_label_position('right') cbar.yaxis.set_ticks_position('right') cbar.set_ylabel(xlabel.capitalize(), fontsize=fs) cbar.xaxis.set_visible(False) fig.canvas.draw() if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) return ax
[docs]def temperature( pressure, profiles=None, labels=None, colors=None, bounds=None, punits='bar', ax=None, filename=None, theme='blue', alpha=[0.8,0.6], fs=13, lw=2.0, fignum=504, ): """ Plot temperature profiles. Parameters ---------- pressure: 1D float ndarray The atmospheric pressure profile in barye. profiles: iterable of 1D float ndarrays Temperature profiles to plot. labels: 1D string iterable Labels for temperature profiles. colors: 1D string iterable. Colors for temperature profiles. bounds: Tuple Tuple with -1sigma, +1sigma, -2sigma, and +2sigma temperature boundaries. If not None, plot shaded area between +/-1sigma and +/-2sigma boundaries. punits: String Pressure units for output plot (input units are always barye). ax: AxesSubplot instance If not None, plot into the given axis. filename: String If not None, save plot to given file name. theme: String The histograms' color theme for bounds regions. Only 'blue' and 'orange' themes are valid at the moment. Alternatively, provide a two-element iterable to provide the colors. alpha: 2-element float iterable Alpha transparency for bounds regions. fs: Float Labels font sizes. lw: Float Lines width. fignum: Integer Figure's number (ignored if axis is not None). Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. """ press = pressure / pt.u(punits) if theme == 'blue': col1, col2 = 'royalblue', 'royalblue' elif theme == 'orange': col1, col2 = 'orange', 'gold' else: # Custom pair of colors: col1, col2 = theme # alpha != 0 does not work for ps/eps figures: alpha1, alpha2 = alpha[:] if filename is not None and filename.endswith('ps'): fc2 = alphatize(col2, alpha2, 'white') fc1 = alphatize(col1, alpha1, fc2) alpha1 = alpha2 = 1.0 else: fc1, fc2 = col1, col2 if profiles is None: profiles = [] if np.ndim(profiles) == 1 and len(profiles) == len(pressure): profiles = [profiles] if labels is None: _labels = [None for _ in profiles] else: _labels = labels if colors is None: c = cycle(default_colors.values()) colors = [next(c) for _ in profiles] tighten = ax is None if ax is None: plt.figure(fignum, (7,5)) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) if bounds is not None and len(bounds) == 4: low2, high2 = bounds[2:4] ax.fill_betweenx( press, low2, high2, facecolor=fc2, edgecolor='none', alpha=alpha2, ) if bounds is not None and len(bounds) >= 2: low1, high1 = bounds[0:2] ax.fill_betweenx( press, low1, high1, facecolor=fc1, edgecolor='none', alpha=alpha1, ) for profile, color, label in zip(profiles, colors, _labels): plt.plot(profile, press, color, lw=lw, label=label) ax.set_ylim(np.amax(press), np.amin(press)) ax.set_yscale('log') plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)', fontsize=fs) plt.ylabel(f'Pressure ({punits})', fontsize=fs) ax.tick_params(labelsize=fs-2) if labels is not None: plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=fs-2) if tighten: plt.tight_layout() if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) return ax
[docs]def abundance( vol_mix_ratios, pressure, species, highlight=None, xlim=None, punits='bar', colors=None, dashes=None, filename=None, lw=2.0, fignum=505, fs=13, legend_fs=None, ax=None, ): """ Plot atmospheric volume-mixing-ratio abundances. Parameters ---------- vol_mix_ratios: 2D float ndarray Atmospheric volume mixing ratios to plot [nlayers,nspecies]. pressure: 1D float ndarray Atmospheric pressure [nlayers], units are given by punits argument. species: 1D string iterable Atmospheric species names [nspecies]. highlight: 1D string iterable List of species names to highlight. Non-highlighed species are plotted with alpha=0.4, below the highligted species, and are not considered to set the default xlim (e.g., might not be shown if their abundances are too low). If None, all input species are highlighted. xlim: 2-element float iterable Volume mixing ratio plotting boundaries. punits: String Pressure units. colors: 1D string iterable List of colors to use. - If len(colors) >= len(species), colors are assigned to each species irrespective of highlight. - If len(colors) < len(species), the display will cycle the color list using solid, long-dashed, short-dashed, and dotted line styles (all highlight species being displayed before the rest). - If colors == 'default', use pyratbay.plots.default_colors dict to assign colors. - If colors is None, use matplotlib's default color cycler. dashes: 1D dash-sequence iterable List of line-styles for each species, irrespective of highlight. len(dashes) has to be equal to len(species). Alternatively, dashes can by a dash-sequence Cycler. filename: String If not None, save plot to given file name. lw: Float Lines width. fignum: Integer Figure's number (ignored if axis is not None). fs: Float Labels font sizes. legend_fs: Float Legend font size. If legend_fs is None, default to fs-2. If legend_fs <= 0, do not plot a legend. ax: AxesSubplot instance If not None, plot into the given axis. Returns ------- ax: AxesSubplot instance The matplotlib Axes of the figure. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> import pyratbay.plots as pp >>> nlayers = 51 >>> pressure = pa.pressure('1e-6 bar', '1e2 bar', nlayers) >>> temperature = pa.temperature('isothermal', pressure, params=1000.0) >>> species = 'H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 C2H2 C2H4 HCN N2 TiO VO H2 H He Na K'.split() >>> vmr = pa.chemistry('tea', pressure, temperature, species).vmr >>> ax = pp.abundance( >>> vmr, pressure, species, colors='default', >>> highlight='H2O CH4 CO CO2 NH3 HCN H2 H He'.split()) """ if legend_fs is None: legend_fs = fs - 2 if highlight is None: highlight = np.copy(species) highlight = [spec for spec in species if spec in highlight] lowlight = [spec for spec in species if spec not in highlight] sorted_spec = highlight + lowlight used_cols = [] if colors is None: colors = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] if len(colors) >= len(species): cols = colors elif colors == 'default': cols = [ default_colors[mol] if mol in default_colors else None for mol in species ] used_cols = [c for c in default_colors.values() if c in cols] remaining_cols = [c for c in default_colors.values() if c not in cols] colors = used_cols + remaining_cols else: cols = [None for _ in species] if isinstance(dashes, Cycler): dash_cycler = dashes dashes = None else: dash_cycler = cycler(dashes=[(), (8,1.5), (4,1), (1,1)]) dkws = cycle(dash_cycler * cycler(color=colors)) for _ in used_cols: dkw = next(dkws) _dashes = [() for _ in species] for i in range(len(species)): ispec = list(species).index(sorted_spec[i]) if cols[ispec] is None: dkw = next(dkws) cols[ispec] = dkw['color'] _dashes[ispec] = dkw['dashes'] if dashes is None or len(dashes) != len(species): dashes = _dashes press = pressure / pt.u(punits) # Plot the results: if ax is None: plt.figure(fignum, (7,5)) plt.clf() ax = plt.subplot(111) for spec in highlight: imol = list(species).index(spec) ax.loglog( vol_mix_ratios[:,imol], press, label=spec, lw=lw, color=cols[imol], dashes=dashes[imol], ) if xlim is None: xlim = ax.get_xlim() for spec in lowlight: imol = list(species).index(spec) ax.loglog( vol_mix_ratios[:,imol], press, label=spec, lw=lw, zorder=-1, color=alphatize(cols[imol],alpha=0.4), dashes=dashes[imol], ) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(np.amax(press), np.amin(press)) ax.set_xlabel('Volume mixing ratio', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel(f'Pressure ({punits})', fontsize=fs) ax.tick_params( which='both', right=True, top=True, direction='in', labelsize=fs-2, ) if legend_fs > 0: ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=legend_fs) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename) return ax