Source code for pyratbay.opacity.lread

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import os
import sys
import time
import struct

import numpy as np

from . import linelist
from .. import constants as pc
from .. import tools as pt
from .. import version as ver

[docs]def make_tli(dblist, pflist, dbtype, tlifile, wllow, wlhigh, wlunits, log): """ Create a transition-line-information (TLI) file. Parameters ---------- dblist: List of strings Opacity databases to read. pflist: List of strings Partition function for each of the databases. dbtype: List of strings Database type of each database. tlifile: String Output TLI file name. wllow: String or float Lower wavelength boundary to consider. If float, assume units from wlunits input. Otherwise, wllow sets the value and units (for example: '1.0 um'). wlhigh: String or float High wavelength boundary to consider. If float, assume units from wlunits input. Otherwise, wlhigh sets the value and units. wlunits: String Wavelength units (when not specified in wllow nor wlhigh). log: Log object An mc3.utils.Log instance to log screen outputs to file. """ # Input-not-found error messages: if tlifile is None: log.error('Undefined TLI file (tlifile).') if wllow is None: log.error('Undefined low wavelength boundary (wllow)') if wlhigh is None: log.error('Undefined high wavelength boundary (wlhigh)') if dblist is None: log.error('There are no input database files (dblist)') if dbtype is None: log.error('There are no input database types (dbtype)') if pflist is None: log.error('There are no partition-function inputs (pflist)') # Check number of files match: nfiles = len(dblist) if len(pflist) == 1: pflist = [pflist[0] for _ in range(nfiles)] if len(dbtype) == 1: dbtype = [dbtype[0] for _ in range(nfiles)] if nfiles != len(pflist) or nfiles != len(dbtype): log.error( f'The number of Line-transition files ({nfiles}) does not match ' f'the number of partition-function files ({len(pflist)}) or ' f'database-type files ({len(dbtype)})' ) # Driver routine to read the databases: db_readers = { dbname.lower():getattr(linelist,dbname) for dbname in pc.dbases } dblist = [ os.path.realpath(dbase.replace('{ROOT}', pc.ROOT)) for dbase in dblist ] databases = [] db_names = [] log.head('\nReading input database files:') for (dbase, pf, dtype) in zip(dblist, pflist, dbtype): if dtype not in db_readers: log.error( f"Unknown type '{dtype}' for database '{dbase}'. " f"Select from: {str(pc.dbases)}" ) log.head(f'- {dbase}') databases.append(db_readers[dtype](dbase, pf, log)) db_names.append(databases[-1].name) log.msg(f'There are {nfiles} input database file(s).') # Open output file: tli = open(tlifile, 'wb') # Get the machine endian type (big/little): if sys.byteorder == 'big': endian = 'b' if sys.byteorder == 'little': endian = 'l' # Start storing TLI header values: header = struct.pack('s', endian.encode()) header += struct.pack('3h', ver.LR_VER, ver.LR_MIN, ver.LR_REV) # Boundaries in wavenumber space (in cm-1): wnlow = 1.0/wlhigh wnhigh = 1.0/wllow # Add initial and final wavenumber boundaries (in cm-1): header += struct.pack('2d', wnlow, wnhigh) Ndb = len(np.unique(db_names)) header += struct.pack('h', Ndb) tli.write(header) wll, wlh = wllow/pt.u(wlunits), wlhigh/pt.u(wlunits) log.msg( f'\nOS endianness: {sys.byteorder}\n' f'Initial TLI wavelength ({wlunits}): {wll:7.3f} ({wnhigh:9.3f} cm-1)\n' f'Final TLI wavelength ({wlunits}): {wlh:7.3f} ({wnlow:9.3f} cm-1)\n' f'There are {Ndb} different database(s).' ) log.msg('\nReading and writting partition function info.') idb = 1 # Database correlative number niso_total = 0 # Cumulative number of isotopes accum = [0] # Cumulative number of isotopes per database db_names = [] # Loop through the partition files (if more than one) and write the # data to a processed TLI file: for db in databases: # Skip if we already stored the pf info of this DB: if in db_names: continue db_names.append( # Get partition function values: temp, partition, pf_iso = db.getpf(log.verb) iso_names = db.isotopes iso_mass = db.mass iso_ratio = db.isoratio # Number of temperature samples and isotopes: ntemp = len(temp) niso = len(iso_names) # Extract partition-function info sorted by iso_names: pf = np.zeros((niso, ntemp), np.double) for part,iso in zip(partition, pf_iso): # Ignore PF isotopes that don't exist in isotopes.dat: if iso not in iso_names: continue idx = iso_names.index(iso) pf[idx] = part # Store length of and database name: name = pack = struct.pack(f'h{len(name)}s', len(name), name.encode('utf-8')) tli.write(pack) # Store the molecule name: mol = db.molecule pack = struct.pack(f'h{len(mol)}s', len(mol), mol.encode('utf-8')) tli.write(pack) # Store the number of temperature samples and isotopes: tli.write(struct.pack('hh', ntemp, niso)) log.msg( f"Database ({idb}/{Ndb}): '{}' ({db.molecule} molecule)", indent=2, ) log.msg( f'Number of temperatures: {ntemp}\n' f'Number of isotopes: {niso}', indent=4, ) # Write the temperature array: tli.write(struct.pack(f'{ntemp}d', *temp)) log.msg( 'Temperatures (K): ' f'[{temp[0]:6.1f}, {temp[1]:6.1f}, ..., {temp[-1]:6.1f}]', indent=4, ) # For each isotope, write partition function information. for j in range(niso): iname = iso_names[j] log.msg(f"Isotope ({j+1}/{niso}): '{iname}'", indent=4) # Store length of isotope name, isotope name, and isotope mass: pack = struct.pack( f'h{len(iname)}s', len(iname), str(iname).encode('utf-8'), ) tli.write(pack) tli.write(struct.pack('d', iso_mass[j])) tli.write(struct.pack('d', iso_ratio[j])) # Write the partition function per isotope: tli.write(struct.pack(f'{ntemp}d', *pf[j])) log.msg( f'Mass (u): {iso_mass[j]:8.4f}\n' f'Isotopic ratio: {iso_ratio[j]:8.4g}\n' f'Part. Function: ' f'[{pf[j,0]:.2e}, {pf[j,1]:.2e}, ..., {pf[j,-1]:.2e}]', indent=6, ) # Calculate cumulative number of isotopes per database: niso_total += niso idb += 1 accum.append(niso_total) log.msg(f'Cumulative number of isotopes per database: {accum}') log.head('\nExtracting line transition info.') wnumber = np.array([], np.double) gf = np.array([], np.double) elow = np.array([], np.double) isoID = np.array([], int) # Read from file and write the transition info: for db in databases: # Get database index: idb = db_names.index( ti = time.time() transitions = db.dbread(wnlow, wnhigh, log.verb) tf = time.time() if transitions is None: continue wnumber = np.concatenate((wnumber, transitions[0])) gf = np.concatenate((gf, transitions[1])) elow = np.concatenate((elow, transitions[2])) isoID = np.concatenate((isoID, transitions[3]+accum[idb])) unique_iso = np.unique(transitions[3]) log.msg( f'Isotope in-database indices: {unique_iso}\n' f'Isotope correlative indices: {unique_iso+accum[idb]}', indent=2, ) log.debug('Reading time: {tf-ti:8.3f} seconds', indent=2) # Total number of transitions: ntransitions = np.size(wnumber) # Number of transitions per isotope: ntrans_iso = np.bincount(isoID) ntrans_iso = ntrans_iso[np.where(ntrans_iso>0)] # Remove zeroes # Sort by isotope ID: ti = time.time() isort = np.argsort(isoID) # Sort each isotope by wavenumber: ihi = 0 for ntrans in ntrans_iso: ilo = ihi ihi += ntrans wnsort = np.argsort(wnumber[isort][ilo:ihi]) isort[ilo:ihi] = isort[ilo:ihi][wnsort] tf = time.time() # Actual sorting: wnumber = wnumber[isort] gf = gf[isort] elow = elow[isort] isoID = isoID[isort] log.debug(f'Sort time: {tf-ti:8.3f} seconds', indent=2) log.msg(f'\nTransitions per isotope:\n{ntrans_iso}') # Pack: tli.write(struct.pack('i', ntransitions)) wn_min = np.amin(wnumber) wn_max = np.amax(wnumber) wl_min = 1.0 / wn_max / wl_max = 1.0 / wn_min / log.msg( f'\nWriting {ntransitions:,d} transition lines ' f'between wavenumbers {wn_min:.2f} and {wn_max:.2f} cm-1 ' f'({wl_min:.3f} -- {wl_max:.3f} um).' ) # Write the number of transitions for each isotope: niso = len(ntrans_iso) tli.write(struct.pack('i', niso)) tli.write(struct.pack(str(niso)+'i', *list(ntrans_iso))) # Write the Line-transition data: ti = time.time() transinfo = struct.pack(str(ntransitions)+'d', *list(wnumber)) transinfo += struct.pack(str(ntransitions)+'h', *list(isoID)) transinfo += struct.pack(str(ntransitions)+'d', *list(elow)) transinfo += struct.pack(str(ntransitions)+'d', *list(gf)) tf = time.time() log.debug(f'Packing time: {tf-ti:8.3f} seconds') ti = time.time() tli.write(transinfo) tf = time.time() log.debug(f'Writing time: {tf-ti:8.3f} seconds') log.head(f"Generated TLI file: '{tlifile}'.") tli.close() log.close()