Source code for pyratbay.opacity.broadening.broadening

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [
    # Classes:
    # Functions:

import numpy as np
import scipy.special as ss

from ... import constants as pc

[docs]class Lorentz(object): """ 1D Lorentz profile model. Parameters ---------- x0: Float Profile center location. hwhm: Float Profile's half-width at half maximum. scale: Float Scale of the profile (scale=1 returns a profile with integral=1.0). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> lor = b.Lorentz(x0=0.0, hwhm=2.5, scale=1.0) >>> # Half-width at half maximum is ~2.5: >>> x = np.linspace(-10.0, 10.0, 100001) >>> print(0.5 * np.ptp(x[lor(x)>0.5*np.amax(lor(x))])) 2.4998 >>> # Integral is ~ 1.0: >>> x = np.linspace(-5000.0, 5000.0, 100001) >>> print(np.trapz(lor(x), x)) 0.999681690140321 >>> # Take a look at a Lorenzt profile: >>> x = linspace(-10, 10, 101) >>> plt.plot(x, lor(x)) """ def __init__(self, x0=0.0, hwhm=1.0, scale=1.0): self.x0 = x0 self.hwhm = hwhm self.scale = scale def __call__(self, x): return self.eval(x)
[docs] def eval(self, x): """ Compute Lorentz profile over the specified coordinates range. Parameters ---------- x: 1D float ndarray Input coordinates where to evaluate the profile. Returns ------- l: 1D float ndarray The line profile at the x locations. """ return self.scale * self.hwhm/np.pi / (self.hwhm**2 + (x-self.x0)**2)
[docs]class Gauss(object): """ 1D Gaussian profile model. Parameters ---------- x0: Float Profile center location. hwhm: Float Profile's half-width at half maximum. scale: Float Scale of the profile (scale=1 returns a profile with integral=1.0). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> gauss = b.Gauss(x0=0.0, hwhm=2.5, scale=1.0) >>> # Half-width at half maximum is ~2.5: >>> x = np.linspace(-10.0, 10.0, 100001) >>> print(0.5 * np.ptp(x[gauss(x)>0.5*np.amax(gauss(x))])) 2.4998 >>> # Integral is ~ 1.0: >>> x = np.linspace(-5000.0, 5000.0, 100001) >>> print(np.trapz(gauss(x), x)) 1.0 >>> # Take a look at a Lorenzt profile: >>> x = linspace(-10, 10, 101) >>> plt.plot(x, gauss(x)) """ def __init__(self, x0=0.0, hwhm=1.0, scale=1.0): self.x0 = x0 self.hwhm = hwhm self.scale = scale self._c1 = 1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) self._c2 = 1.0/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) def __call__(self, x): return self.eval(x)
[docs] def eval(self, x): """ Compute Gaussian profile over the specified coordinates range. Parameters ---------- x: 1D float ndarray Input coordinates where to evaluate the profile. Returns ------- g: 1D float ndarray The line profile at the x locations. """ sigma = self.hwhm * self._c1 return self.scale * np.exp(-0.5*((x-self.x0)/sigma)**2) * self._c2 / sigma
[docs]class Voigt(object): r""" 1D Voigt profile model. Parameters ---------- x0: Float Line center location. hwhm_L: Float Half-width at half maximum of the Lorentz distribution. hwhm_G: Float Half-width at half maximum of the Gaussian distribution. scale: Float Scale of the profile (scale=1 returns a profile with integral=1.0). Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> hwhm_G = 1.0 >>> hwhm_L = 1.0 >>> voigt = b.Voigt(x0=0.0, hwhm_L=hwhm_L, hwhm_G=hwhm_G) >>> plt.figure('A Voigt profile', (6,4)) >>> plt.clf() >>> ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) >>> x = np.linspace(-15.0, 15.0, 3001) >>> plt.plot(x, voigt(x), lw=2.0, color="orange") >>> plt.xlim(np.amin(x), np.amax(x)) >>> plt.xlabel(r"x", fontsize=12) >>> plt.ylabel(r"Voigt profile", fontsize=12) >>> # Compare a range of Voigt, Lorentz, and Doppler profiles: >>> lorentz = b.Lorentz(x0=0.0, hwhm=hwhm_L) >>> doppler = b.Gauss(x0=0.0, hwhm=hwhm_G) >>> nplots = 5 >>> HWHM_L = np.logspace(-2, 2, nplots) >>> nwidths = 10.0 >>> plt.figure(11, (6,6)) >>> plt.clf() >>> plt.subplots_adjust(0.15, 0.1, 0.95, 0.95, wspace=0, hspace=0) >>> for i,hwhm_L in enumerate(HWHM_L): >>> ax = plt.subplot(nplots, 1, 1+i) >>> voigt.hwhm_L = lorentz.hwhm = hwhm_L >>> width = 0.5346*hwhm_L + np.sqrt(0.2166*hwhm_L**2+hwhm_G**2) >>> x = np.arange(-nwidths*width, nwidths*width, width/1000.0) >>> plt.plot(x/width, lorentz(x), lw=2.0, color="blue", label="Lorentz") >>> plt.plot( >>> x/width, doppler(x), lw=2.0, color="limegreen", label="Doppler") >>> plt.plot( >>> x/width, voigt(x), lw=2.0, color="orange", label="Voigt", >>> dashes=(4,1)) >>> ymin = np.amin([lorentz(x), voigt(x)]) >>> ymax = np.amax([lorentz(x), voigt(x), doppler(x)]) >>> plt.ylim(ymin, 3*ymax) >>> ax.set_yscale("log") >>> plt.text( >>> 0.025, 0.75, rf"$\rm HWHM_L/HWHM_G={hwhm_L/hwhm_G:4g}$", >>> transform=ax.transAxes) >>> plt.xlim(-nwidths, nwidths) >>> plt.xlabel(r"$\rm x/HWHM_V$", fontsize=12) >>> plt.ylabel("Profile") >>> if i != nplots-1: >>> ax.set_xticklabels([]) >>> if i == 0: >>> plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=11) """ def __init__(self, x0=0.0, hwhm_L=1.0, hwhm_G=1.0, scale=1.0): # Profile parameters: self.x0 = x0 self.hwhm_L = hwhm_L self.hwhm_G = hwhm_G self.scale = scale # Constants: self._A = np.array([[-1.2150, -1.3509, -1.2150, -1.3509]]).T self._B = np.array([[ 1.2359, 0.3786, -1.2359, -0.3786]]).T self._C = np.array([[-0.3085, 0.5906, -0.3085, 0.5906]]).T self._D = np.array([[ 0.0210, -1.1858, -0.0210, 1.1858]]).T def __call__(self, x): return self.eval(x)
[docs] def eval(self, x): """ Evaluate the Voigt profile at the specified coordinates range. Parameters ---------- x: 1D float ndarray Input coordinates where to evaluate the profile. Returns ------- v: 1D float ndarray The line profile at the x locations. """ if self.hwhm_L/self.hwhm_G < 0.1: sigma = self.hwhm_G / np.sqrt(2*np.log(2)) z = (x + 1j * self.hwhm_L - self.x0) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2)) return self.scale * ss.wofz(z).real / (sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) # This is faster than the previous algorithm but it gets inaccurate # and breaks down for HWHM_L / HWHM_G ~< 0.1: X = (x-self.x0) * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / self.hwhm_G Y = self.hwhm_L * np.sqrt(np.log(2)) / self.hwhm_G A, B, C, D = self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D V = np.sum((C*(Y-A) + D*(X-B)) / ((Y-A)**2 + (X-B)**2), axis=0) V /= np.pi * self.hwhm_L return self.scale * self.hwhm_L/self.hwhm_G * np.sqrt(np.pi*np.log(2)) * V
[docs]def doppler_hwhm(temperature, mass, wn): r""" Get Doppler half-width at half maximum broadening. Parameters ---------- temperature: Float scalar or ndarray Atmospheric temperature (Kelvin degree). mass: Float scalar or ndarray Mass of the species (AMU). wn: Float scalar or ndarray Wavenumber (cm-1). Returns ------- dop_hwhm: Float scalar or ndarray The Doppler half-width at half maximum broadening (cm-1). Note ---- All inputs must have compatible data shapes to be broadcastable. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> # Doppler HWHM at 1000K and 1 micron, for H2O and CO2: >>> temperature = 1000.0 >>> wn = 10000.0 >>> mass = np.array([18.0, 44.0]) >>> dop_hw = b.doppler_hwhm(temperature, mass, wn) >>> print(f'Doppler broadening:\n H2O CO2\n{dop_hw}') Doppler broadening: H2O CO2 [0.02669241 0.01707253] """ dop_hwhm = wn / pc.c \ * np.sqrt(2.0*np.log(2) * pc.k*temperature/(mass*pc.amu)) return dop_hwhm
[docs]def lorentz_hwhm(temperature, pressure, masses, radii, vol_mix_ratio, imol): r""" Get Lorentz half-width at half maximum broadening. Parameters ---------- temperature: Float scalar or ndarray Atmospheric temperature (Kelvin degree). pressure: Float scalar or ndarray Atmospheric pressure (barye). masses: 1D float ndarray Masses of atmospheric species (AMU). radii: 1D float ndarray Collision radius of atmospheric species (cm). vol_mix_ratio: 1D float ndarray Volume mixing ratio of atmospheric species. imol: Integer Index of species to calculate the HWHM (in masses/radii arrays). Returns ------- lor_hwhm: Float scalar or ndarray The Lorentz half-width at half maximum broadening (cm-1). Note ---- The temperature, pressure, and imol inputs must have compatible shapes to be broadcastable. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> # Lorenz HWHM at 1000K and 1 bar, for H2O and CO2: >>> temperature = 1000.0 >>> pressure = 1.0 * >>> # H2O CO2 H2 He >>> masses = np.array([18.0, 44.0, 2.0, 4.0]) >>> radii = np.array([1.6, 1.9, 1.45, 1.4]) * pc.A >>> vmr = np.array([1e-4, 1e-4, 0.85, 0.15]) >>> imol = np.array([0, 1]) >>> lor_hw = b.lorentz_hwhm(temperature, pressure, masses, radii, vmr, imol) >>> print(f'Lorentz broadening:\n H2O CO2\n{lor_hw}') Lorentz broadening: H2O CO2 [0.03691111 0.04308068] """ lor_hwhm = pressure / pc.c \ * np.sqrt(2.0/(np.pi * pc.k * temperature * pc.amu)) \ * sum(vmr * (radius+radii[imol])**2 * np.sqrt(1/mass + 1/masses[imol]) for radius,mass,vmr in zip(radii, masses, vol_mix_ratio)) return lor_hwhm
[docs]def min_widths(min_temp, max_temp, min_wn, max_mass, min_rad, min_press): """ Estimate the minimum Doppler and Lorentz half-widths at half maximum (cm-1) for an H2-dominated atmosphere. Parameters ---------- min_temp: Float Minimum atmospheric tmperature (Kelvin degrees). max_temp: Float Maximum atmospheric tmperature (Kelvin degrees). min_wn: Float Minimum spectral wavenumber (cm-1). max_mass: Float Maximum mass of molecule/isotope (amu). min_rad: Float Minimum collisional radius (cm). min_press: Float Minimum atmospheric pressure (barye). Returns ------- dmin: Float Minimum Doppler HWHM (cm-1). lmin: Float Minimum Lorentz HWHM (cm-1). Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> min_temp = 100.0 >>> max_temp = 3000.0 >>> min_wn = 1.0/(10.0* >>> max_mass = 18.015 # H2O molecule >>> min_rad = 1.6*pc.A # H2O molecule >>> min_press = 1e-5 * >>> dmin, lmin = b.min_widths(min_temp, max_temp, min_wn, max_mass, >>> min_rad, min_press) >>> print('Minimum Doppler half width: {:.2e} cm-1\n' >>> 'Minimum Lorentz half width: {:.2e} cm-1'.format(dmin,lmin)) """ # Minimum Doppler and Lorenz widths (cm-1): dmin = np.sqrt(np.log(2)*2.0*pc.k*min_temp/(max_mass*pc.amu)) * min_wn / pc.c # TBD: Extract values from atmosphere instead H2_radius = 1.445e-8 # cm H2_mass = 2.01588 # amu # Get max collision diameter: min_diam = H2_radius + min_rad # Sum_a (n_a*d_a**2 ...) ~ n_H2*d_H2 ... (assuming H2-dominated atmosphere) lmin = (np.sqrt(2.0/(np.pi * pc.k * max_temp * pc.amu)) * min_press / pc.c * min_diam**2.0 * np.sqrt(1.0/max_mass + 1.0/H2_mass)) return dmin, lmin
[docs]def max_widths(min_temp, max_temp, max_wn, min_mass, max_rad, max_press): """ Estimate the maximum Doppler and Lorentz half-widths at half maximum (cm-1) for an H2-dominated atmosphere. Parameters ---------- min_temp: Float Minimum atmospheric tmperature (Kelvin degrees). max_temp: Float Maximum atmospheric tmperature (Kelvin degrees). max_wn: Float Maximum spectral wavenumber (cm-1). min_mass: Float Minimum mass of molecule/isotope (amu). max_rad: Float Maximum collisional radius (cm). max_press: Float Maximum atmospheric pressure (barye). Returns ------- dmax: Float Maximum Doppler HWHM (cm-1). lmax: Float Maximum Lorentz HWHM (cm-1). Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.opacity.broadening as b >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> min_temp = 100.0 >>> max_temp = 3000.0 >>> max_wn = 1.0/(1.0* >>> min_mass = 18.015 # H2O molecule >>> max_rad = 1.6*pc.A # H2O molecule >>> max_press = 100.0* >>> dmax, lmax = b.max_widths(min_temp, max_temp, max_wn, min_mass, >>> max_rad, max_press) >>> print('Maximum Doppler half width: {:.2e} cm-1\n' >>> 'Maximum Lorentz half width: {:.2e} cm-1'.format(dmax,lmax)) """ # TBD: Extract values from files instead H2_radius = 1.445e-8 # cm H2_mass = 2.01588 # amu # Get max collision diameter: max_diam = H2_radius + max_rad # Doppler widths (cm-1): dmax = np.sqrt(np.log(2)*2.0*pc.k*max_temp/(min_mass*pc.amu)) * max_wn / pc.c # Approximate Sum_a (n_a * d_a**2 ...) ~ n_H2 *d_H2 ... # (assuming H2-dominated atmosphere) lmax = (np.sqrt(2.0/(np.pi * pc.k * min_temp * pc.amu)) * max_press / pc.c * max_diam**2.0 * np.sqrt(1.0/min_mass + 1.0/H2_mass)) return dmax, lmax