Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import os
import pickle

import numpy as np
import mc3

from .. import constants as pc
from .. import tools as pt
from .. import spectrum as ps

[docs]def save_pyrat(pyrat, pfile=None): """ Save a pyrat instance into a pickle file. Parameters ---------- pyrat: A Pyrat instance Object to save. pfile: String Name of output file. Default to the pyrat logname (changing the extension to '.pickle'). """ if pfile is None: pfile = os.path.splitext(pyrat.log.logname)[0] + '.pickle' print(f'Saving pyrat instance to: {pfile}') # Reset values to reduce pickle size: with pt.tmp_reset( pyrat, 'spec.own', 'voigt.profile', 'log.file', '', 'ex.etable', 'ret.posterior', with open(pfile, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pyrat, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def load_pyrat(pfile): """ Load a pyrat instance from a pickle file. Parameters ---------- pfile: String Name of input pickle file. Returns ------- pyrat: A Pyrat instance Loaded object. """ with open(pfile, 'rb') as f: pyrat = pickle.load(f) pyrat.log.verb = -1 pyrat.setup_spectrum() pyrat.log.verb = pyrat.verb # Recover MCMC posterior: if pt.isfile(pyrat.ret.mcmcfile) == 1: with np.load(pyrat.ret.mcmcfile) as mcmc: posterior, zchain, zmask = mc3.utils.burn(mcmc) pyrat.ret.posterior = posterior return pyrat
[docs]def write_atm(atmfile, pressure, temperature, species=None, abundances=None, radius=None, punits='bar', runits=None, header=None): r""" Write an atmospheric file following the Pyrat format. Parameters ---------- atmfile: String Name of output atmospheric file. pressure: 1D float ndarray Monotonously decreasing pressure profile (in barye). temperature: 1D float ndarray Temperature profile for pressure layers (in Kelvin). species: 1D string ndarray List of atmospheric species. abundances: 2D float ndarray The species mole mixing ratio (of shape [nlayers,nspecies]). radius: 1D float ndarray Monotonously increasing radius profile (in cm). punits: String Pressure units of output. runits: String Radius units of output. header: String Header message (comment) to include at the top of the file. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import as io >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> atmfile = 'WASP-00b.atm' >>> nlayers = 5 >>> pressure = pa.pressure('1e-8 bar', '1e2 bar', nlayers) >>> temperature = pa.tmodels.Isothermal(nlayers)(1500.0) >>> species = "H2 He H2O".split() >>> abundances = [0.8499, 0.15, 1e-4] >>> qprofiles = pa.uniform(pressure, temperature, species, abundances) >>> io.write_atm(atmfile, pressure, temperature, species, qprofiles, >>> punits='bar', header='# Example atmospheric file:\n') >>> # Print output file: >>> with open(atmfile, 'r') as f: >>> print( # Example atmospheric file: # Pressure units: @PRESSURE bar # Temperatures units: @TEMPERATURE kelvin # Abundance units (mixing ratio): @ABUNDANCE volume # Atmospheric composition: @SPECIES H2 He H2O # Pressure Temperature H2 He H2O @DATA 1.0000e-08 1500.000 8.499000e-01 1.500000e-01 1.000000e-04 3.1623e-06 1500.000 8.499000e-01 1.500000e-01 1.000000e-04 1.0000e-03 1500.000 8.499000e-01 1.500000e-01 1.000000e-04 3.1623e-01 1500.000 8.499000e-01 1.500000e-01 1.000000e-04 1.0000e+02 1500.000 8.499000e-01 1.500000e-01 1.000000e-04 """ if (species is None) != (abundances is None): raise ValueError('Both species and abundances must be defined') f = open(atmfile, "w") if header is not None: f.write(header) # Set the values units: f.write(f"# Pressure units:\n@PRESSURE\n{punits}\n") f.write("# Temperatures units:\n@TEMPERATURE\nkelvin\n") if radius is not None: f.write(f"# Radius units:\n@RADIUS\n{runits}\n") # At the moment, only take volume MR (mass if theres's popular demand) if species is not None: f.write("# Abundance units (mixing fraction):\n@ABUNDANCE\nvolume\n") # Species names: f.write("\n# Atmospheric composition:\n@SPECIES\n" + " ".join([f"{mol:<s}" for mol in species]) + '\n') # Write the per-layer data: if radius is not None: f.write("\n# Radius Pressure Temperature ") else: f.write("\n# Pressure Temperature ") if species is not None: f.write("".join([f"{mol:<14s}" for mol in species])) f.write("\n@DATA\n") pressure = pressure/pt.u(punits) if radius is not None: radius = radius/pt.u(runits) # Write data for each layer: nlayers = len(pressure) for i in range(nlayers): if radius is not None: f.write(f"{radius[i]:10.4e} ") f.write(f"{pressure[i]:10.4e} {temperature[i]:11.3f} ") if species is not None: f.write(" ".join([f"{q:12.6e}" for q in abundances[i]])) f.write('\n') f.close()
[docs]def read_atm(atmfile): r""" Read a Pyrat atmospheric file. Parameters ---------- atmfile: String File path to a Pyrat Bay's atmospheric file. Returns ------- units: 4-element string tuple Units for pressure, temperature, abundance, and radius as given in the atmospheric file. species: 1D string ndarray The list of species names read from the atmospheric file (of size nspec). press: 1D float ndarray The atmospheric pressure profile (of size nlayers). The file's @PRESSURE keyword indicates the ouptput units. temp: 1D float ndarray The atmospheric temperature profile (of size nlayers). The file's @TEMPERATURE keyword indicates the ouptput units. q: 2D float ndarray The mixing ratio profiles of the atmospheric species (of size [nlayers,nspec]). The file's @ABUNDANCE indicates the output units. radius: 1D float ndarray The atmospheric altiture profile (of size nlayers). None if the atmospheric file does not contain a radius profile. The file's @RADIUS keyword indicates the output units. Examples -------- >>> # Continuing example from io.write_atm(): >>> import as io >>> atmfile = 'WASP-00b.atm' >>> units, specs, pressure, temp, q, rad = io.read_atm(atmfile) >>> print(units, specs, pressure, temp, q, rad, sep='\n') ('bar', 'kelvin', 'number', None) ['H2' 'He' 'H2O'] [1.0000e-08 3.1623e-06 1.0000e-03 3.1623e-01 1.0000e+02] [1500. 1500. 1500. 1500. 1500.] [[8.499e-01 1.500e-01 1.000e-04] [8.499e-01 1.500e-01 1.000e-04] [8.499e-01 1.500e-01 1.000e-04] [8.499e-01 1.500e-01 1.000e-04] [8.499e-01 1.500e-01 1.000e-04]] None """ atmfile = open(atmfile, "r") punits, runits, tunits, qunits, species = None, None, None, None, None while True: line = atmfile.readline().strip() # Stop when the per-layer data begins: if line == "@DATA": break # Skip empty and comment lines: elif line == '' or line.startswith('#'): continue # Extract units, and species from header: elif line == '@PRESSURE': punits = atmfile.readline().strip() elif line == '@RADIUS': runits = atmfile.readline().strip() elif line == '@TEMPERATURE': tunits = atmfile.readline().strip() elif line == '@ABUNDANCE': qunits = atmfile.readline().strip() elif line == '@SPECIES': species = np.asarray(atmfile.readline().strip().split()) else: raise ValueError(f"Atmosphere file has unexpected line: \n'{line}'") if punits is None: raise ValueError("Atmospheric file does not have '@PRESSURE' header") if tunits is None: raise ValueError("Atmospheric file does not have '@TEMPERATURE' header") if qunits is None and species is not None: raise ValueError("Atmospheric file does not have '@ABUNDANCE' header") if species is None and qunits is not None: raise ValueError("Atmospheric file does not have '@SPECIES' header") has_radius = runits is not None has_q = species is not None nspecies = len(species) if has_q else 0 nrad = int(has_radius) # Read first line to count number of columns: datastart = atmfile.tell() line = atmfile.readline() ncolumns = len(line.split()) if ncolumns == 3 + nspecies and runits is None: raise ValueError("Atmospheric file does not have '@RADIUS' header") if ncolumns != 2 + nrad + nspecies: rad_txt = ", 1 column for radius" if has_radius else "" q_txt = f", {nspecies} columns for abundances" if has_q else "" raise ValueError( f"Inconsistent number of columns ({ncolumns}) in '@DATA', " "expected 2 columns for temperature and pressure" f"{rad_txt}{q_txt}" ) # Count number of layers: nlayers = 1 while True: line = atmfile.readline() if line == '' or line.startswith('#'): break nlayers += 1 # Initialize arrays: radius = np.zeros(nlayers, np.double) if has_radius else None press = np.zeros(nlayers, np.double) temp = np.zeros(nlayers, np.double) q = np.zeros((nlayers, nspecies), np.double) if has_q else None # Read table:, 0) for i in range(nlayers): data = atmfile.readline().split() if has_radius: radius[i] = data[0] press[i] = data[nrad+0] temp [i] = data[nrad+1] if has_q: q[i] = data[nrad+2:] units = (punits, tunits, qunits, runits) return units, species, press, temp, q, radius
[docs]def write_spectrum(wl, spectrum, filename, type, wlunits='um'): """ Write a spectrum to file. Parameters ---------- wl: 1D float iterable Wavelength array in cm units. spectrum: 1D float iterable Spectrum array. (rp/rs)**2 for transmission (unitless), planetary flux for emission (erg s-1 cm-2 cm units). filename: String Output file name. type: String Data type: - 'transit' for transmission - 'emission' for emission - 'filter' for a instrumental filter transmission wlunits: String Output units for wavelength. Examples -------- >>> # See read_spectrum() examples. """ if filename is None: return # Type of spectrum and units: if type == "transit": spectype = "(Rp/Rs)**2" specunits = "unitless" elif type == "emission": spectype = "Flux" specunits = "erg s-1 cm-2 cm" elif type == "filter": spectype = "transmission" specunits = "unitless" else: raise ValueError( "Input 'type' argument must be 'transit', 'emission', or 'filter'." ) # Wavelength units in brackets: wl = wl/pt.u(wlunits) # Precision of 5 decimal places (or better if needed): precision = -np.floor(np.log10(np.amin(np.abs(np.ediff1d(wl))))) precision = int(np.clip(precision+1, 5, np.inf)) buff = precision + 5 # Open-write file: with open(filename, 'w') as f: # Write header: f.write(f'# {"Wavelength":>{buff:d}s} {spectype:>15s}\n') f.write(f"# {wlunits:>{buff:d}s} {specunits:>15s}\n") # Write the spectrum values: for wave, flux in zip(wl, spectrum): f.write(f"{wave:>{buff+2:d}.{precision:d}f} {flux:.9e}\n")
[docs]def read_spectrum(filename, wn=True): """ Read a Pyrat spectrum file, a plain text file with two-columns: the wavelength and signal. If wn is true, this function converts wavelength to wavenumber in cm-1. The very last comment line sets the wavelength units (the first string following a blank, e.g., the string '# um' sets the wavelength units as microns). If the units are not defined, assume wavelength units are microns. Parameters ---------- filename: String Path to output Transit spectrum file to read. wn: Boolean If True convert wavelength to wavenumber. Return ------ wave: 1D float ndarray The spectrum's wavenumber (in cm units) or wavelength array (in the input file's units). spectrum: 1D float ndarray The spectrum in the input file. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> # Write a spectrum to file: >>> nwave = 7 >>> wl = np.linspace(1.1, 1.7, nwave) * 1e-4 >>> spectrum = np.ones(nwave) >>> io.write_spectrum(wl, spectrum, >>> filename='sample_spectrum.dat', type='transit', wlunits='um') >>> # Take a look at the output file: >>> with open('sample_spectrum.dat', 'r') as f: >>> print("".join(f.readlines())) # Wavelength (Rp/Rs)**2 # um unitless 1.10000 1.000000000e+00 1.20000 1.000000000e+00 1.30000 1.000000000e+00 1.40000 1.000000000e+00 1.50000 1.000000000e+00 1.60000 1.000000000e+00 1.70000 1.000000000e+00 >>> # Now, read from file (getting wavenumber array): >>> wn, flux = io.read_spectrum('sample_spectrum.dat') >>> print(wn) [9090.90909091 8333.33333333 7692.30769231 7142.85714286 6666.66666667 6250. 5882.35294118] >>> print(flux) [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] >>> # Read from file (getting wavelength array): >>> wl, flux = io.read_spectrum('sample_spectrum.dat', wn=False) >>> print(wl) [1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7] >>> print(flux) [1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] """ data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True) wave, spectrum = data[0], data[1] if not wn: return wave, spectrum # Check 'header' (last comment line) for wavelength units: with open(filename, "r") as f: for line in f: info = line if not line.strip().startswith('#') and line.strip() != '': break # Get wavelength units from last line of comments: if len(info.split()) > 1: wlunits = info.split()[1] else: wlunits = 'um' if not hasattr(pc, wlunits): wlunits = 'um' # Convert wavelength to wavenumber in cm-1: wave = 1.0/(wave*pt.u(wlunits)) return wave, spectrum
[docs]def write_opacity(ofile, species, temp, press, wn, opacity): """ Write an opacity table as a binary file. Parameters ---------- ofile: String Output filename where to save the opacity data. File extension must be .npz species: 1D string iterable Species names. temp: 1D float ndarray Temperature array (Kelvin degree). press: 1D float ndarray Pressure array (barye). wn: 1D float ndarray Wavenumber array (cm-1). opacity: 4D float ndarray Tabulated opacities (cm2 molecule-1) of shape [nspec, ntemp, nlayers, nwave]. """ np.savez(ofile, species=species, temperature=temp, pressure=press, wavenumber=wn, opacity=opacity)
[docs]def read_opacity(ofile): """ Read an opacity table from file. Parameters ---------- ofile: String Path to a Pyrat Bay opacity file. Returns ------- sizes: 4-element integer tuple Sizes of the dimensions of the opacity table: (nspec, ntemp, nlayers, nwave) arrays: 4-element 1D ndarray tuple The dimensions of the opacity table: - species (string, the species names) - temperature (float, Kelvin) - pressure (float, barye) - wavenumber (float, cm-1) opacity: 4D float ndarray tuple The tabulated opacities (cm2 molecule-1), of shape [nspec, ntemp, nlayers, nwave]. """ with np.load(ofile) as f: species = f['species'] temp = f['temperature'] press = f['pressure'] wn = f['wavenumber'] opacity = f['opacity'] # Arrays lengths: nspec = len(species) ntemp = len(temp) nlayers = len(press) nwave = len(wn) return ((nspec, ntemp, nlayers, nwave), (species, temp, press, wn), opacity)
[docs]def write_pf(pffile, pf, isotopes, temp, header=None): """ Write a partition-function file in Pyrat Bay format. Parameters ---------- pffile: String Output partition-function file. pf: 2D float iterable Partition-function data (of shape [niso, ntemp]). isotopes: 1D string iterable Isotope names. temp: 1D float iterable Temperature array. header: String A header for the partition-function file (must be as comments). Examples -------- >>> # See read_pf() examples. """ if len(isotopes) != np.shape(pf)[0]: raise ValueError('Shape of the partition-function array does not ' 'match with the number of isotopes.') if len(temp) != np.shape(pf)[1]: raise ValueError('Shape of the partition-function array does not ' 'match with the number of temperature samples.') # Write output file: with open(pffile, "w") as f: if header is not None: f.write(header) f.write("@ISOTOPES\n " + " ".join(["{:13s}".format(iso) for iso in isotopes]) + "\n\n") f.write("# Temperature (K), partition function for each isotope:\n") f.write("@DATA\n") for t, z in zip(temp, pf.T): f.write(" {:7.1f} ".format(t) + " ".join("{:.7e}".format(d) for d in z) + "\n")
[docs]def read_pf(pffile): r""" Read a partition-function file. Parameters ---------- pffile: String Partition function file to read. Returns ------- pf: 2D float ndarray The partition function data (of shape [niso, ntemp]). isotopes: List of strings The names of the tabulated isotopes. temp: 1D float ndarray Array with temperature sample. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> # Generate some mock PF data and write to file: >>> pffile = 'PF_Exomol_NH3.dat' >>> isotopes = ['4111', '5111'] >>> temp = np.linspace(10,100,4) >>> pf = np.array([np.logspace(0,3,4), >>> np.logspace(1,4,4)]) >>> header = '# Mock partition function for NH3.\n' >>> io.write_pf(pffile, pf, isotopes, temp, header) >>> # Now, read it back: >>> pf, iso, temp = io.read_pf(pffile) >>> for item in [iso, temp, pf]: >>> print(item) ['4111' '5111'] [ 10. 40. 70. 100.] [[1.e+00 1.e+01 1.e+02 1.e+03] [1.e+01 1.e+02 1.e+03 1.e+04]] """ if not os.path.isfile(pffile): raise ValueError("Partition-function file '{:s}' does not exist.". format(pffile)) with open(pffile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() nlines = len(lines) lines = iter(lines) for i,line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() # Stop when the tabulated data begins: if line == "@DATA": break # Read isotopes: if line == "@ISOTOPES": isotopes = np.asarray(next(lines).split()) # Number of samples: niso = len(isotopes) ntemp = nlines - i - 2 # Allocate arrays: temp = np.zeros(ntemp, np.double) pf = np.zeros((niso, ntemp), np.double) # Read the data: for i,line in enumerate(lines): info = line.split() temp[i] = info[0] pf[:,i] = info[1:] return pf, isotopes, temp
[docs]def write_cs(csfile, cs, species, temp, wn, header=None): """ Write a cross-section file in Pyrat Bay format. Parameters ---------- csfile: String Output cross-section file. cs: 2D float iterable Cross-section opacity in units of cm-1 amagat^-N, with N the number of species, of shape [ntemp, nwave]. species: 1D string iterable Species names. temp: 1D float iterable Temperature array in Kelvin degree. wn: 1D float iterable Wavenumber array in cm-1. header: String A header for the cross-section file (must be as comments). Examples -------- >>> # See read_cs() examples. """ if len(temp) != np.shape(cs)[0]: raise ValueError('Shape of the cross-section array does not ' 'match the number of temperature samples.') if len(wn) != np.shape(cs)[1]: raise ValueError('Shape of the cross-section array does not ' 'match the number of wavenumber samples.') with open(csfile, "w") as f: if header is not None: f.write(header) f.write("@SPECIES\n" + " ".join(["{:s}".format(spec) for spec in species]) + "\n\n") f.write("@TEMPERATURES\n " + " ".join(["{:4.0f}".format(t) for t in temp]) + "\n\n") f.write("# Wavenumber in cm-1, opacity in cm-1 amagat-{:d}:\n". format(len(species))) f.write("@DATA\n") for wave, data in zip(wn, cs.T): f.write(" {:7.1f} ".format(wave) + " ".join("{:.3e}".format(d) for d in data) + "\n")
[docs]def read_cs(csfile): r""" Read a cross-section file. Parameters ---------- csfile: String Partition function file to read. Returns ------- cs: 2D float ndarray Cross-section opacity in units of cm-1 amagat^-N, with N the number of species, of shape [ntemp, nwave]. species: 1D string list Species names. temp: 1D float ndarray Temperature array in Kelvin degree. wn: 1D float ndarray Wavenumber array in cm-1. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> # Generate some mock PF data and write to file: >>> csfile = 'CS_Mock-HITRAN_H2-H2.dat' >>> species = ['H2', 'H2'] >>> temp = np.linspace(100, 1000, 3) >>> wn = np.arange(10, 15, 1.0) >>> cs = np.array([np.logspace( 0,-4,5), >>> np.logspace(-1,-5,5), >>> np.logspace(-2,-6,5)]) >>> header = '# Mock cross-section for H2-H2.\n' >>> io.write_cs(csfile, cs, species, temp, wn, header) >>> # Now, read it back: >>> cs, species, temp, wn = io.read_cs(csfile) >>> for item in [species, temp, wn, cs]: >>> print(item) ['H2', 'H2'] [ 100. 550. 1000.] [10. 11. 12. 13. 14.] [[1.e+00 1.e-01 1.e-02 1.e-03 1.e-04] [1.e-01 1.e-02 1.e-03 1.e-04 1.e-05] [1.e-02 1.e-03 1.e-04 1.e-05 1.e-06]] """ if not os.path.isfile(csfile): raise ValueError("Cross-section file '{:s}' does not exist.". format(csfile)) with open(csfile, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() # Number of header lines (to skip when reading the tabulated data): nlines = len(lines) lines = iter(lines) for i,line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() # Stop when the tabulated data begins: if line == "@DATA": break # Get species: elif line == "@SPECIES": species = next(lines).split() # Get the sampled temperatures: elif line == "@TEMPERATURES": temp = np.array(next(lines).split(), np.double) # Number of samples: nwave = nlines - i - 3 ntemp = len(temp) # Allocate arrays: wn = np.zeros(nwave, np.double) cs = np.zeros((ntemp, nwave), np.double) # Read the data: for i,line in enumerate(lines): info = line.split() wn[i] = info[0] cs[:,i] = info[1:] return cs, species, temp, wn
[docs]def read_pt(ptfile): r""" Read a pressure and temperature profile from a file. Parameters ---------- ptfile: String Input file with pressure (in bars, first column) and temperature profiles (in Kelvin degree, second column). Returns ------- pressure: 1D float ndarray Pressure profile in barye. temperature: 1D float ndarray Temperature profile in Kelvin. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> ptfile = 'pt_profile.dat' >>> temp = np.array([100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 175.0, 150.0]) >>> press = np.array([1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-2, 1e0, 1e2]) >>> with open(ptfile, 'w') as f: >>> for p,t in zip(press, temp): >>> f.write('{:.3e} {:5.1f}\n'.format(p, t)) >>> pressure, temperature = io.read_pt(ptfile) >>> for p,t in zip(pressure, temperature): >>> print('{:.1e} barye {:5.1f} K'.format(p, t)) 1.0e+00 barye 100.0 K 1.0e+02 barye 150.0 K 1.0e+04 barye 200.0 K 1.0e+06 barye 175.0 K 1.0e+08 barye 150.0 K """ pressure, temperature = np.loadtxt(ptfile, usecols=(0,1), unpack=True) pressure *= return pressure, temperature
[docs]def read_observations(obs_file): r""" Read an observations file. Parameters ---------- obs_file: String Path to file containing observations info, see Notes below. Returns ------- filters: List Filter passband objects. data: 1D string list The transit or eclipse depths for each filter. uncert: 1D float ndarray The depth uncertainties. Notes ----- An obs_file contains passband info (indicated by a '@DATA' flag), one line per passband. The passband info could be: (1) a path to a file containing the spectral response, or (2) a tophat filter defined by a central wavelength, half-width, and optionally a name. A @DEPTH_UNITS flag sets the depth and uncert units (which can be set to: none, percent, ppt, ppm). This flag also indicates that there's data and uncerts to read as two columns before the passband info. Comment and blank lines are ignored, central-wavelength and half-width units are always microns. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> # File including depths and uncertainties: >>> obs_file = 'observations.dat' >>> bands, data, uncert = io.read_observations(obs_file) >>> # File including only the passband info: >>> obs_file = 'filters.dat' >>> bands = io.read_observations(obs_file) """ if not os.path.isfile(obs_file): raise ValueError(f"Observation file '{obs_file}' does not exist") # Skip comment and blank lines: lines = [] for line in open(obs_file, 'r'): line = line.strip() if line == '' or line.startswith('#'): continue lines.append(line) # Number of header lines (to skip when reading the tabulated data): i = 0 depth_units = None nlines = len(lines) for i in range(nlines): line = lines[i] # Stop when the tabulated data begins: if line == "@DATA": i += 1 break # Get the sampled temperatures: elif line == "@DEPTH_UNITS": depth_units = lines[i+1] nobs = nlines - i has_data = depth_units is not None filters = [] data = np.zeros(nobs) uncert = np.zeros(nobs) # Read the data: for j in range(nobs): info = lines[i+j].split() ndata = 0 if has_data: data[j] = info[0] uncert[j] = info[1] ndata = 2 if len(info) - ndata == 1: filter_file = info[ndata].replace('{ROOT}', pc.ROOT) filter_file = os.path.realpath(filter_file) filters.append(ps.PassBand(filter_file)) elif len(info) - ndata == 2: wl0, half_width = np.array(info[ndata:ndata+2], np.double) filters.append(ps.Tophat(wl0, half_width)) elif len(info) - ndata == 3: wl0, half_width = np.array(info[ndata:ndata+2], np.double) name = info[ndata+2] filters.append(ps.Tophat(wl0, half_width, name)) else: error_msg = 'Invalid number of values in obs_file' if has_data and len(info) in [1,2]: error_msg += ( ", perhaps remove the '@DEPTH_UNITS' flag if there's no " "depth/uncert data" ) elif not has_data and len(info) in [4,5]: error_msg += ", perhaps the '@DEPTH_UNITS' flag is missing" raise ValueError(error_msg) if has_data: data *= pt.u(depth_units) uncert *= pt.u(depth_units) return filters, data, uncert return filters
[docs]def read_atomic(afile): """ Read an elemental (atomic) composition file. Parameters ---------- afile: String File with atomic composition. Returns ------- atomic_num: 1D integer ndarray Atomic number (except for Deuterium, which has anum=0). symbol: 1D string ndarray Elemental chemical symbol. dex: 1D float ndarray Logarithmic number-abundance, scaled to log(H) = 12. name: 1D string ndarray Element names. mass: 1D float ndarray Elemental mass in amu. Uncredited developers --------------------- Jasmina Blecic """ # Allocate arrays: nelements = 84 # Fixed number atomic_num = np.zeros(nelements, int) symbol = np.zeros(nelements, '|U2') dex = np.zeros(nelements, np.double) name = np.zeros(nelements, '|U20') mass = np.zeros(nelements, np.double) # Open-read file: with open(afile, 'r') as f: # Read-discard first two lines (header): f.readline() f.readline() # Store data into the arrays: for i in range(nelements): atomic_num[i], symbol[i], dex[i], name[i], mass[i] = \ f.readline().split() return atomic_num, symbol, dex, name, mass
[docs]def read_molecs(file): r""" Read a molecules file to extract their names, masses, and radii. The output also includes the ions denoted by a '-' and '+' character appended at the end of the species names. Parameters ---------- file: String The molecule file path. Returns ------- names: 1D string ndarray The molecules' names. masses: 1D float ndarray The mass of the molecules (in g mol-1). radii: 1D float ndarray The collisional radius of the molecules (in angstrom). Notes ----- In all truthfulness, these are species, not only molecules, as the file also contain elemental particles. Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> names, masses, radii = io.read_molecs( >>> pc.ROOT+'pyratbay/data/molecules.dat') >>> names = list(names) >>> print(f"H2O: mass = {masses[names.index('H2O')]} g mol-1, " >>> f"radius = {radii[names.index('H2O')]} angstrom.") H2O: mass = 18.015 g mol-1, radius = 1.6 Angstrom. """ names = [] # Molecule names masses = [] # Molecule masses radii = [] # Molecule radii for line in open(file, 'r'): # Skip comment and blank lines: if line.strip() == '' or line.strip().startswith('#'): continue info = line.split() names.append(info[0]) masses.append(info[1]) radii.append(info[2]) electron_index = names.index('e-') names.pop(electron_index) e_mass = masses.pop(electron_index) e_radius = radii.pop(electron_index) names = np.array( names + ['e-'] + [f'{name}-' for name in names] + [f'{name}+' for name in names]) masses = np.array( masses + [e_mass] + masses + masses, np.double) radii = np.array( radii + [e_radius] + radii + radii, np.double) return names, masses, radii
[docs]def read_isotopes(file): r""" Read an isotopes file to extract their molecule, hitran name, exomol name, isotopic ratio, and mass. Parameters ---------- file: String The isotope file path. Returns ------- mol_ID: 1D integer ndarray HITRAN molecule ID. mol: 1D string ndarray Molecule names. hitran_iso: 1D string ndarray Isotope name as in HITRAN database. exomol_iso: 1D string ndarray Isotope name based on exomol database. iso_ratio: 1D float ndarray Isotopic ratios. iso_mass: 1D float ndarray The mass of the molecules (in g mol-1). Examples -------- >>> import as io >>> import pyratbay.constants as pc >>> ID, mol, hit_iso, exo_iso, ratio, mass = \ >>> io.read_isotopes(pc.ROOT+'pyratbay/data/isotopes.dat') >>> print("H2O isotopes:\n iso iso isotopic mass" >>> "\n hitran exomol ratio g/mol") >>> for i in range(len(mol)): >>> if mol[i] == 'H2O': >>> print(f" {hit_iso[i]:6} {exo_iso[i]:6} " >>> f"{ratio[i]:.3e} {mass[i]:.4f}") H2O isotopes: iso iso isotopic mass hitran exomol ratio g/mol 161 116 9.973e-01 18.0106 181 118 1.999e-03 20.0148 171 117 3.719e-04 19.0148 162 126 3.107e-04 19.0168 182 000 6.230e-07 21.0211 172 000 1.158e-07 20.0211 262 226 2.420e-08 20.0210 282 000 0.000e+00 22.0000 272 000 0.000e+00 21.0000 """ mol_ID, mol, hitran_iso, exomol_iso, ratio, mass = [], [], [], [], [], [] for line in open(file, 'r'): # Skip comment and blank lines: if line.strip() == '' or line.strip().startswith('#'): continue info = line.split() mol_ID.append(info[0]) mol.append(info[1]) hitran_iso.append(info[2]) exomol_iso.append(info[3]) ratio.append(info[4]) mass.append(info[5]) mol_ID = np.asarray(mol_ID, int) mol = np.asarray(mol) hitran_iso = np.asarray(hitran_iso) exomol_iso = np.asarray(exomol_iso) ratio = np.asarray(ratio, np.double) mass = np.asarray(mass, np.double) return mol_ID, mol, hitran_iso, exomol_iso, ratio, mass
[docs]def import_xs(filename, source, read_all=True, ofile=None): """ Read a cross-section opacity file from an external source. Parameters ---------- filename: String The opacity pickle file to read. source: String The cross-section source: exomol or taurex (see note below). read_all: Bool If True, extract all contents in the file: cross-section, pressure, temperature, and wavenumber. If False, extract only the cross-section data. ofile: String If not None, store Exomol XS data into a Pyratbay opacity format. Returns ------- xs: 3D float ndarray Opacity cross-section in cm2 molecule-1. with shape [npress, ntemp, nwave]. pressure: 1D float ndarray Pressure sample of the opacity file (in barye units) temperature: 1D float ndarray Temperature sample of the opacity file (in Kelvin degrees units). wavenumber: 1D float ndarray Wavenumber sample of the opacity file (in cm-1 units). species: String The species name. Notes ----- - exomol cross sections (Chubb et al. 2020, AA) can be found here: - taurex cross sections (Al-Refaie et al. 2019) can be found here: Examples -------- >>> # For this example, you'll need to have/download the following >>> # file into the current folder: >>> # >>> import as io >>> filename = '1H2-16O__POKAZATEL__R15000_0.3-50mu.xsec.TauREx.h5' >>> xs_H2O, press, temp, wn, species = io.import_xs(filename, 'exomol') """ try: import h5py except ModuleNotFoundError as e: if source == 'exomol': raise e if source == 'exomol': with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as xs_data: xs = np.array(xs_data['xsecarr']) if read_all or ofile is not None: pressure = np.array(xs_data['p']) * temperature = np.array(xs_data['t']) wavenumber = np.array(xs_data['bin_edges']) species = [xs_data['mol_name'][0]] elif source == 'taurex': with open(filename, 'rb') as f: xs_data = pickle.load(f) xs = xs_data['xsecarr'] if read_all or ofile is not None: pressure = xs_data['p'] * temperature = xs_data['t'] wavenumber = xs_data['wno'] species = [xs_data['name']] else: raise ValueError("Invalid cross-section source type.") if ofile is not None: nlayers, ntemp, nwave = np.shape(xs) xs_pb = np.swapaxes(xs,0,1).reshape(1,ntemp,nlayers,nwave) write_opacity(ofile, species, temperature, pressure, wavenumber, xs_pb) if read_all: return xs, pressure, temperature, wavenumber, species[0] return xs
[docs]def import_tea(teafile, atmfile, req_species=None): """ Format a TEA atmospheric file into a Pyrat atmospheric file. Paramters --------- teafile: String Input TEA atmospheric file. atmfile: String Output Pyrat atmospheric file. req_species: List of strings The requested species for output. If None, request all species in teafile. """ # Open read the TEA file: with open(teafile, "r") as f: tea = np.asarray(f.readlines()) # Line-indices where the species and data are: ispec = np.where(tea == "#SPECIES\n")[0][0] + 1 # Species list idata = np.where(tea == "#TEADATA\n")[0][0] + 2 # data starting line # TEA--Pyrat molecules names dictionary: tea_to_pyrat = {} for line in open(pc.ROOT+"pyratbay/data/TEA_gdata_defaults.txt", "r"): pyrat_name, tea_name = line.split() tea_to_pyrat[tea_name] = pyrat_name # Read and clean species names: species = tea[ispec].split() nspecies = len(species) for i in range(nspecies): species[i] = tea_to_pyrat[species[i]] if req_species is None: req_species = species # Species indices corresponding to req_species: nreqspecies = len(req_species) sindex = np.zeros(len(req_species), int) for i in range(len(req_species)): sindex[i] = species.index(req_species[i]) # Extract per-layer data: nlayers = len(tea) - idata temperature = np.zeros(nlayers) pressure = np.zeros(nlayers) abundance = np.zeros((nlayers, nreqspecies)) for i in range(nlayers): data = np.asarray(tea[idata+i].split(), np.double) pressure[i], temperature[i] = data[0:2] abundance[i,:] = data[2:][sindex] # TEA pressure units are always bars: punits = "bar" pressure = pressure * pt.u(punits) # Set in barye units # File header: header = "# TEA atmospheric file formatted for Pyrat.\n\n" write_atm(atmfile, pressure, temperature, req_species, abundance, punits=punits, header=header)
[docs]def export_pandexo(pyrat, baseline, transit_duration, Vmag=None, Jmag=None, Hmag=None, Kmag=None, metal=0.0, instrument=None, n_transits=1, resolution=None, noise_floor=0.0, sat_level=80.0, save_file=True): """ Parameters ---------- pyrat: A Pyrat instance Pyrat object from which to extract the system physical properties. baseline: Float or string Total observing time in sec (float) or with given units (string). transit_duration: Float or string Transit/eclipse duration in sec (float) or with given units (string). metal: Float Stellar metallicity as log10(Fe/H). Vmag: Float Stellar magnitude in the Johnson V band. Only one of Vmag, Jmag, Hmag, or Kmag should be defined. Jmag: Float Stellar magnitude in the Johnson J band. Only one of Vmag, Jmag, Hmag, or Kmag should be defined. Hmag: Float Stellar magnitude in the Johnson H band. Only one of Vmag, Jmag, Hmag, or Kmag should be defined. Kmag: Float Stellar magnitude in the Johnson Kband. Only one of Vmag, Jmag, Hmag, or Kmag should be defined. instrument: String or list of strings or dict Observing instrument to simulate. If None, this function returns the input dictionary. n_transits: Integer Number of transits/eclipses. resolution: Float Approximate output spectral sampling R = 0.5*lambda/delta-lambda. sat_level: Float Saturation level in percent of full well. noise_floor: Float or string Noise-floor level in ppm at all wavelengths (if float) or wavelength dependent (if string, filepath). save_file: Bool or string If string, store pandexo output pickle file with this filename. If True, store pandexo output with default name based on the pyrat object's output filename. Returns ------- pandexo_sim: dict Output from pandexo.engine.justdoit.run_pandexo(). Note this dict has R=None, noccultations=1 (as suggested in pandexo). wavelengths: List of 1D float arrays Wavelengths of simulated observed spectra for each instrument. Returned only if instrument is not None. spectra: List of 1D float arrays Simulated observed spectra for each instrument. Returned only if instrument is not None. uncertainties: List of 1D float arrays Uncertainties of simulated observed spectra for each instrument. Returned only if instrument is not None. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay as pb >>> import as io >>> pyrat ='demo_spectrum-transmission.cfg') >>> instrument = 'NIRCam F322W2' >>> #instrument = jdi.load_mode_dict(instrument) >>> baseline = '4.0 hour' >>> transit_duration = '2.0 hour' >>> resolution = 100.0 >>> n_transits = 2 >>> Jmag = 8.0 >>> metal = 0.0 >>> pandexo_sim, wls, spectra, uncerts = io.export_pandexo( >>> pyrat, baseline, transit_duration, >>> n_transits=n_transits, >>> resolution=resolution, >>> instrument=instrument, >>> Jmag=Jmag, >>> metal=metal) """ import pandexo.engine.justdoit as jdi import pandexo.engine.justplotit as jpi if isinstance(baseline, str): baseline = pt.get_param(baseline) if isinstance(transit_duration, str): transit_duration = pt.get_param(transit_duration) ref_wave = { 'Vmag':0.55, 'Jmag':1.25, 'Hmag':1.6, 'Kmag':2.22, } mags = { 'Vmag':Vmag, 'Jmag':Jmag, 'Hmag':Hmag, 'Kmag':Kmag, } mag = {key:val for key,val in mags.items() if val is not None} if len(mag) != 1: raise ValueError( f'Exactly one of {list(mags.keys())} should be defined') band_mag, mag = mag.popitem() exo_dict = jdi.load_exo_dict() exo_dict['observation']['sat_level'] = sat_level exo_dict['observation']['sat_unit'] = '%' exo_dict['observation']['noccultations'] = 1 exo_dict['observation']['R'] = None exo_dict['planet']['transit_duration'] = transit_duration exo_dict['planet']['td_unit'] = 's' exo_dict['observation']['baseline'] = baseline exo_dict['observation']['baseline_unit'] = 'total' exo_dict['observation']['noise_floor'] = noise_floor # Stellar flux from erg s-1 cm-2 cm to erg s-1 cm-2 Hz-1: starflux = {'f':pyrat.spec.starflux/pc.c, 'w':1.0/pyrat.spec.wn} exo_dict['star']['type'] = 'user' exo_dict['star']['starpath'] = starflux exo_dict['star']['w_unit'] = 'cm' exo_dict['star']['f_unit'] = 'erg/cm2/s/Hz' exo_dict['star']['mag'] = mag exo_dict['star']['ref_wave'] = ref_wave[band_mag] exo_dict['star']['temp'] = pyrat.phy.tstar exo_dict['star']['metal'] = metal exo_dict['star']['logg'] = np.log10(pyrat.phy.gstar) exo_dict['star']['radius'] = pyrat.phy.rstar/pc.rsun exo_dict['star']['r_unit'] = 'R_sun' if pyrat.od.rt_path == 'transit': exo_dict['planet']['f_unit'] = 'rp^2/r*^2' spectrum = pyrat.spec.spectrum elif pyrat.od.rt_path == 'emission': exo_dict['planet']['f_unit'] = 'fp/f*' rprs = pyrat.phy.rplanet/pyrat.phy.rstar spectrum = pyrat.spec.spectrum/pyrat.spec.starflux * rprs**2 exo_dict['planet']['type'] ='user' exo_dict['planet']['exopath'] = {'f':spectrum, 'w':1.0/pyrat.spec.wn} exo_dict['planet']['w_unit'] = 'cm' exo_dict['planet']['radius'] = pyrat.phy.rplanet exo_dict['planet']['r_unit'] = 'cm' if instrument is None: return exo_dict if isinstance(instrument, str): instrument = [instrument] if save_file is True: output_path = os.path.dirname(pyrat.log.logname) output_file = os.path.basename(pyrat.log.logname).replace( '.log', '_pandexo.p') elif isinstance(save_file, str): output_path = os.path.dirname(save_file) output_file = os.path.basename(save_file) save_file = True else: save_file = False pandexo_sim = jdi.run_pandexo( exo_dict, instrument, save_file=save_file, output_path=output_path, output_file=output_file, num_cores=pyrat.ncpu) if isinstance(pandexo_sim, list): pandexo_sim = [sim[list(sim.keys())[0]] for sim in pandexo_sim] else: pandexo_sim = [pandexo_sim] wavelengths, spectra, uncerts = [], [], [] for sim in pandexo_sim: wl, spec, unc = jpi.jwst_1d_spec( sim, R=resolution, num_tran=n_transits, plot=False) wavelengths += wl spectra += spec uncerts += unc return pandexo_sim, wavelengths, spectra, uncerts