Source code for pyratbay.atmosphere.vmr_scaling

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np

[docs]def qcapcheck(vmr, qcap, ibulk): """ Check if the cummulative abundance of traces exceed qcap. Parameters ---------- vmr: 2D float ndarray Volume mixing ratio of atmospheric species [nlayers, nspecies]. qcap: Float Cap threshold for cummulative trace abundances. ibulk: 1D integer ndarray Indices of the bulk species to calculate the mixing ratio. Returns ------- vmr_cap_flag: Bool Flag indicating whether trace abundances sum more than qcap. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> # Make an atmosphere: >>> pressure = pa.pressure(ptop=1e-8, pbottom=1e2, nlayers=11, units='bar') >>> temperature = np.tile(1500.0, 11) >>> species = ["H2", "He", "H2O"] >>> abundances = [0.8495, 0.15, 5e-4] >>> qprofiles = pa.uniform(pressure, temperature, species, abundances) >>> ibulk = [0,1] >>> # Sum of all metals (H2O) does not exceed qcap: >>> qcap = 1e-3 >>> print(pa.qcapcheck(qprofiles, qcap, ibulk)) False >>> # Sum of all metals (H2O) exceedes qcap: >>> qcap = 1e-4 >>> print(pa.qcapcheck(qprofiles, qcap, ibulk)) True """ # The shape of things: nlayers, nspecies = np.shape(vmr) # Get the indices of the species not in ibulk (trace species): itrace = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nspecies), ibulk) # Sum the abundances of everything exept the ibulk species (per layer): qtrace = np.sum(vmr[:,itrace], axis=1) # Do sum of trace abundances exceed Qcap? vmr_cap_flag = np.any(qtrace > qcap) return vmr_cap_flag
[docs]def balance(vmr, ibulk, ratio, invsrat): r""" Balance the volume mixing ratios of bulk species, vmr[ibulk], such that sum(vmr) = 1.0 at each level. Parameters ---------- vmr: 2D float ndarray Volume mixing ratio of atmospheric species [nlayers, nspecies]. ibulk: 1D integer ndarray Indices of the bulk species to calculate the mixing ratio. ratio: 2D float ndarray Abundance ratio between species indexed by ibulk. invsrat: 1D float ndarray Inverse of the sum of the ratios (at each layer). Notes ----- Let the bulk abundance species be the remainder of the sum of the trace species: vmr_bulk = sum vmr_j = 1.0 - sum vmr_trace. This code assumes that the abundance ratio among bulk species remains constant in each layer: {\rm ratio}_j = vmr_j/vmr_0. The balanced abundance of the bulk species is then: vmr_j = \frac{{\rm ratio}_j * vmr_{\rm bulk}} {\sum {\rm ratio}}. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> >>> vmr = np.tile([0.8, 0.2, 0.1], (5,1)) >>> ibulk = [0, 1] >>> bratio, invsrat = pa.ratio(vmr, ibulk) >>> pa.balance(vmr, ibulk, bratio, invsrat) >>> # Balanced VMRs: >>> print(vmr[0]) [0.72 0.18 0.1 ] >>> # Sum of VMRs equals one at each layer: >>> print(np.sum(vmr, axis=1)) [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] >>> # Ratio of 'bulk' species remains constant: >>> print(vmr[:,1]/vmr[:,0]) [0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25] """ # The shape of things: nlayers, nspecies = np.shape(vmr) nratio = len(ibulk) # Get the indices of the species not in ibulk (trace species): itrace = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nspecies), ibulk) # Sum the abundances of everything exept the ibulk species (per layer): sum_vmr_metals = 1.0 - np.sum(vmr[:,itrace], axis=1) # Calculate the balanced mole mixing ratios: for j in range(nratio): vmr[:,ibulk[j]] = ratio[:,j] * sum_vmr_metals * invsrat
[docs]def ratio(vmr, ibulk): """ Calculate the abundance ratios of the species indexed by ibulk, relative to the first species in the list. Parameters ---------- vmr: 2D float ndarray Volume mixing ratio of atmospheric species [nlayers, nspecies]. ibulk: 1D integer ndarray Indices of the species to calculate the ratio. Returns ------- bratio: 2D float ndarray Abundance ratio between species indexed by ibulk. invsrat: 1D float ndarray Inverse of the sum of the ratios (at each layer). Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> vmr = np.tile([0.8, 0.2], (5,1)) >>> ibulk = [0, 1] >>> bratio, invsrat = pa.ratio(vmr, ibulk) >>> print(bratio) [[ 1. 0.25] [ 1. 0.25] [ 1. 0.25] [ 1. 0.25] [ 1. 0.25]] >>> print(invsrat) [ 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8] """ # The shape of things: nlayers, nspecies = np.shape(vmr) nratio = len(ibulk) bratio = np.ones((nlayers, nratio)) # Calculate the abundance ratio WRT first indexed species in ibulk: for j in range(1, nratio): bratio[:,j] = vmr[:,ibulk[j]] / vmr[:,ibulk[0]] # Inverse sum of ratio: invsrat = 1.0 / np.sum(bratio, axis=1) return bratio, invsrat
[docs]def qscale( vmr, species, molmodel, molfree, molpars, bulk, qsat=None, iscale=None, ibulk=None, bratio=None, invsrat=None, ): """ Scale specified species abundances and balance bulk abundances to conserve sum(vmr)=1 in each layer. Parameters ---------- vmr: 2D float ndarray Volume mixing ratio of atmospheric species [nlayers, nspecies]. species: 1D string ndarray Names of the species in the atmosphere. molmodel: 1D string ndarray Model to vary the species abundances. molfree: 1D string ndarray Names of the species to vary their abundances. molpars: 1D float ndarray Scaling factor (dex) for each species in molfree. bulk: 1D string ndarray Names of the bulk (dominant) species. qsat: Float Maximum allowed combined abundance for trace species. iscale: 1D integer ndarray Indices of molfree species in vmr. ibulk: 1D integer ndarray Indices of bulk species in vmr. bratio: 2D float ndarray Abundance ratios between the bulk species (relative to bulk[0]). invsrat: 1D float ndarray Inverse of the sum of the ratios (at each layer). Returns ------- scaled_vmr: 2D float ndarray The modified atmospheric VMR profiles. Notes ----- iscale, ibulk, bratio, and invsrat are optional parameters to speed up the routine. Examples -------- >>> import pyratbay.atmosphere as pa >>> nlayers = 2 >>> vmr = np.tile([0.85, 0.15, 1e-4, 1e-4], (nlayers,1)) >>> species = ['H2', 'He' ,'H2O', 'CH4'] >>> # Set the H2O abundance to 1.0e-3: >>> molmodel = ['vert'] >>> molfree = ['H2O'] >>> molpars = [-3.0] >>> bulk = ['H2', 'He'] >>> scaled_vmr = pa.qscale( >>> vmr, species, molmodel, molfree, molpars, bulk, >>> ) >>> print(scaled_vmr) [[8.49065e-01 1.49835e-01 1.00000e-03 1.00000e-04] [8.49065e-01 1.49835e-01 1.00000e-03 1.00000e-04]] """ scaled_vmr = np.copy(vmr) if iscale is None: iscale = [list(species).index(mol) for mol in molfree] if ibulk is None: ibulk = [list(species).index(mol) for mol in bulk] if bratio is None: bratio, invsrat = ratio(vmr, ibulk) # Scale abundance of requested species: for idx,value,model in zip(iscale, molpars, molmodel): if model == 'scale': scaled_vmr[:,idx] = vmr[:,idx] * 10.0**value elif model == 'vert': scaled_vmr[:,idx] = 10.0**value # Enforce saturation limit: if qsat is not None: indices = np.arange(len(species)) ifixed = np.setdiff1d(indices, np.union1d(ibulk, iscale)) sum_fixed = np.sum(scaled_vmr[:,ifixed], axis=1, keepdims=True) sum_scaled = np.sum(scaled_vmr[:,iscale], axis=1, keepdims=True) q0 = (qsat - sum_fixed) / sum_scaled q0 = np.clip(q0, 0.0, 1.0) scaled_vmr[:,iscale] *= q0 # Scale abundance of bulk species to balance sum(vmr): balance(scaled_vmr, ibulk, bratio, invsrat) return scaled_vmr