Source code for pyratbay.atmosphere.alkali.alkali

# Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Patricio Cubillos
# Pyrat Bay is open-source software under the GNU GPL-2.0 license (see LICENSE)

__all__ = [

import numpy as np

from ... import constants as pc
from ... import tools as pt
from ...opacity import broadening

from ...lib import _alkali

class VanderWaals(object):
  Base class for Van der Waals plus statistical theory model
  Burrows et al. (2000), ApJ, 531, 438.
  def __init__(self, cutoff):    = None   # Opacity cross section (cm2 molecule-1)
      self.imol  = -1     # Index of mol in the atmosphere
      self.voigt = broadening.Voigt()
      self.cutoff = cutoff  # Hard cutoff from line center (cm-1)

  def setup(self, molecules, mass, dwave):
      if self.mol in molecules:
          self.imol = np.where(molecules==self.mol)[0][0]
          self.mass = mass[self.imol]
      self.dwave = dwave

  def voigt_det(self, press, temp):
      nlayers = len(press)
      nlines = len(self.wn)
      # Detuning frequency (cm-1):
      dsigma = self.detuning * (temp/500.0)**0.6
      # Lorentz half width (cm-1):
      lor = self.lpar * (temp/2000.0)**(-0.7) * press/pc.atm

      voigt_det = np.zeros((nlayers,nlines))
      for j in range(nlines):
          wn0 = self.wn[j]
          dwave = self.dwave[j]
          # Doppler half width (cm-1):
          dop = np.sqrt(2*pc.k*temp / (self.mass*pc.amu)) * wn0 / pc.c
          fwidth = 2*(0.5346*lor + np.sqrt(0.2166*lor**2 + dop**2))
          self.voigt.x0 = wn0
          for i in range(nlayers):
              self.voigt.hwhm_L = lor[i]
              self.voigt.hwhm_G = dop[i]
              # EC at the detuning boundary:
              voigt_det[i,j] = self.voigt(wn0+dsigma[i])
      return voigt_det

  def c_absorption(self, press, temp, wn):
      nlayers = len(press)
      nwave = len(wn) = np.zeros((nlayers, nwave), np.double)

      if self.imol < 0:

      i_nearest_wn0 = np.argmin(np.abs(np.expand_dims(self.wn,1)-wn), axis=1)
          press, wn, temp,
          self.voigt_det(press, temp),
          self.detuning, self.mass, self.lpar, self.Z, self.cutoff,
          np.array(self.wn), np.array(, np.array(self.dwave),

  def absorption(self, press, temp, wn):
      """Evaluate alkali model's opacity cross section (cm2 molecule-1)."""
      nlayers = len(press)
      nwave = len(wn) = np.zeros((nlayers, nwave), np.double)

      # Species is not in atmosphere:
      if self.imol < 0:

      # Detuning frequency (cm-1):
      dsigma = self.detuning * (temp/500.0)**0.6
      # Doppler half width (cm-1):
      doppler = (
          np.sqrt(2*pc.k*temp / (self.mass*pc.amu))
          * np.expand_dims(self.wn, axis=1) / pc.c
      # Lorentz half width (cm-1):
      lor = self.lpar * (temp/2000.0)**(-0.7) * press/pc.atm

      # Calculate cross section:
      for wn0, gf, dwave, dop in zip(self.wn,, self.dwave, doppler):
          iwave = np.abs(wn-wn0) < self.cutoff
          wn_window = wn[iwave]
          ec = np.zeros((nlayers, len(wn_window)), np.double)
          # Update Voigt model:
          self.voigt.x0 = wn0
          fwidth = 2*(0.5346*lor + np.sqrt(0.2166*lor**2 + dop**2))
          for j in range(nlayers):
              # Profile ranges:
              det = np.abs(wn_window - wn0) < dsigma[j]
              wlo = pt.ifirst(det, default_ret=-1)
              whi = pt.ilast( det, default_ret=-2) + 1
              self.voigt.hwhm_L = lor[j]
              self.voigt.hwhm_G = dop[j]
              wndet = wn_window[wlo:whi]
              # EC at the detuning boundary:
              edet = self.voigt(wn0+dsigma[j])
              # Extinction outside the detuning region (power law):
              ec[j] += edet * (np.abs(wn_window-wn0)/dsigma[j])**-1.5
              # Extinction in the detuning region (Voigt profile):
              profile = self.voigt(wndet)
              # Correction for undersampled line:
              if whi > wlo and fwidth[j] < 2.0*dwave:
                  i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(wn0-wndet))
                  profile[i0] = 0.0
                  profile[i0] = 1.0 - np.trapz(profile, wndet)
              ec[j, wlo:whi] = profile
          # Add up contribution (include exponential cutoff):
[:,iwave] += pc.C3 * ec * gf/self.Z \
              * np.exp(-pc.C2*np.abs(wn_window-wn0)
                       / np.expand_dims(temp, axis=1))
          # Note this equation neglects the exp(-Elow/T)*(1-exp(-wn0/T))
          # terms because they are approximately 1.0 at T=[100K--4000K]

  def __str__(self):
      fw = pt.Formatted_Write()
      fw.write("Model name (name): '{}'",
      fw.write('Model species (mol): {}', self.mol)
      fw.write('Species index in atmosphere (imol): {}', self.imol)
      fw.write('Profile hard cutoff from line center (cutoff, cm-1): {}',
      fw.write('Detuning parameter (detuning): {}', self.detuning)
      fw.write('Lorentz-width parameter (lpar): {}', self.lpar)
      fw.write('Partition function (Z): {}', self.Z)
      fw.write('Wavenumber  Wavelength          gf   Lower-state energy\n'
               '      cm-1          um               cm-1\n'
               '      (wn)                    (gf)   (elow)')
      for wn, gf, elow in zip(self.wn,, self.elow):
          fw.write('  {:8.2f}  {:10.6f}   {:.3e}   {:.3e}',
              wn, 1.0/(wn*, gf, elow)
      fw.write('Opacity cross section (ec, cm2 molecule-1):\n{}',,
          fmt={'float': '{: .3e}'.format}, edge=2)
      return fw.text

[docs]class SodiumVdW(VanderWaals): """Sodium Van der Waals model (Burrows et al. 2000, ApJ, 531).""" def __init__(self, cutoff=4500.0): # Default cutoff of 4500 cm-1 following Baudino et al. (2017). super(SodiumVdW, self).__init__(cutoff) = 'sodium_vdw' # Model name self.mol = 'Na' # Species causing the extinction # Line-transition properties (from VALD, Piskunov 1995): self.wn = [16960.87, 16978.07] # Wavenumber (cm-1) self.elow = [0.0, 0.0] # Lower-state energy (cm-1) = [0.65464, 1.30918] # gf (unitless) self.lpar = 0.071 # Lorentz width parameter (Iro et al. 2005) self.Z = 2.0 # Partition function (valid for temp < 4000 K) self.detuning = 30.0 # Detuning parameter
[docs]class PotassiumVdW(VanderWaals): """Potassium Van der Waals model (Burrows et al. 2000, ApJ, 531).""" def __init__(self, cutoff=4500.0): # Default cutoff of 4500 cm-1 following Baudino et al. (2017). super(PotassiumVdW, self).__init__(cutoff) = 'potassium_vdw' # Model name self.mol = 'K' # Species causing the extinction # Line-transition properties (from VALD, Piskunov 1995): self.wn = [12988.76, 13046.486] # Wavenumber (cm-1) self.elow = [0.0, 0.0] # Lower-state energy (cm-1) = [0.701455, 1.40929] # gf (unitless) self.lpar = 0.14 # Lorentz width parameter (Iro et al. 2005) self.Z = 2.0 # Partition function (temp < 4000 K, Barklem 2016) self.detuning = 20.0 # Detuning parameter